Posted on: Friday, June 11th, 2021
Fall Sports Leagues

Autumn is coming so it’s time to join a team at the Y!
Get back in the game this Fall with YMCA Youth Sports! Now registering for Fall Season!
Basketball, soccer and flag football for boys and girls ages 3-12 are back! Come learn to love a sport at the Y. These spots will fill up and most are FREE for Hockomock Area YMCA family type members (see note below*) so take a look and reconnect through great sports games, classes and community time.
Crafty 3v3 bball games are back—using the innovative scoring and fast paced short sided games of the Crafty program that’s been running at the Y since 2019. Click here to learn more about the points system (and let us know if you have any questions). We truly believe this is the best way to learn basketball. (Crafty Basketball takes place at the indoor courts)
Runs Saturdays ≈ Foxboro, Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (75 min.)
Runs Wednesdays ≈ North: 9/15-11/3 (75 min.)
Cost: $85.00 for all in the community (no uniform and no promo code discount available)
Crafty 3v3 Basketball Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y SAT 10:00 am grade 2 coed; 11:15 am grades 3 & 4 boys; 12:30 pm grades 3 & 4 girls; 1:45 pm grades 5 & 6 boysgirls
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 1:00 pm grade 2 coed; 2:15 pm grades 3 & 4 boys; 3:30 pm grades 5 & 6 boys; 4:45 pm grades 3 & 4 girls
• @ the North Attleboro Y WED 4:15 pm grades 1-2 coed; 5:45 pm grades 3 & 4 coed; 7:15 pm grades 5 & 6 coed
Register for Crafty Basketball today.
Three coed league practices will be followed by five games on our outdoor fields. Everyone plays and is encouraged to perform at the best of their ability. Uniforms will be distributed after your first practice.
Runs Fridays: 9/10-10/29 (1 hour)
Cost: $122 member / $150 non-member includes NFL Flag Football jersey
Flag Football League Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y 6:00 pm ages 6-8; 7:10 pm ages 9-12
• @ the North Attleboro Y 6:00 pm ages 6-7; 7:15 pm ages 8-10
Register for Flag Football Leagues today.
Three coed league practices will be followed by five games on our outdoor fields. Everyone plays and is encouraged to perform at the best of their ability. Uniforms will be distributed after your first practice.
Runs Saturdays ≈ Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (1 hour)
Runs Sundays ≈ Foxboro, North: 9/12-10/31 (1 hour)
Cost: $86 member / $110 non-member includes uniform t-shirt
Soccer League Details:
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 10:15 am age 4; 11:30 am ages 5-6
• @ the Foxboro Y SUN 10:00 am age 4; 11:10 am ages 5-6
• @ the North Attleboro Y SUN 9:30 am ages 4-5; 10:45 am ages 6-7; 12:00 pm ages 8-10
Register for Soccer Leagues today.
Read on for all the ways your younger athletes can get out to the Y and get their game on this fall!
Young athletes wanting to learn to play football and what it’s like to be coached can get in on the game with outdoor classes held weekly. Your chance to play YMCA league sports will be here soon so get some experience this fall and connect with your peers for a ton of fun. Developmentally appropriate curriculum will be followed that’s proven to engage boys and girls and teach fundamentals of the sport.
Runs Fridays: 9/10/-10/29 (45 min.)
Cost: $64 member / $128 non-member
Football Prep Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y 4:30 pm ages 4-5
• @ the North Attleboro Y 5:00 pm age 5
Register for a Sports League Prep Program today.
Three year old children in our community have tons of learning potential and limitless energy. Let them seize the opportunity to be outdoors running and kicking the soccer ball at the YMCA. This option will include lots of coaching and developmentally appropriate fun on the soccer field.
Runs Saturdays ≈ Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (45 min.)
Runs Sundays ≈ Foxboro, North: 9/12-10/31 (45 min.)
Cost: $64 member / $128 non-member
Soccer Prep Details:
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 9:00 am age 3
• @ the North Attleboro Y SUN 8:45 am age 3
• @ the Foxboro Y SUN 9:00 am age 3
Register for a Sports League Prep Program today.
As a perk of membership, all Hockomock Y “Family” & “One Adult Family” members receive FREE enrollment for all of the options listed above, excluding Crafty Basketball. Please use the promo code sent on 7/19 to the email address associated with your YMCA membership and simply register as you normally would. Please be prepared at checkout to pay uniform fee(s): $15 (soccer league), $30 (football league) when using a promo code.
Questions, please call the Y at our numbers listed at the bottom of the website or email your local YMCA: | |
We can’t wait to see you at the Y!