Nothing from Mon Mar 24 to Sun Mar 30.

Tips and Help about our Virtual Fitness

We are Live-Streaming classes on Facebook and on Zoom, so you can get together with friends to work out and socialize. Most of our classes will also be recorded, so you can also do Virtual Fitness on your schedule. Recordings of our video sessions are on Facebook and our YouTube Page.

Virtual Fitness Video Collections

We’re building a large collection of recorded Virtual Fitness videos on the Hockomock YMCA’s YouTube. You’ll find everything from Bootcamp to Yoga classes, nutrition, stuff for kids, and our set of classes for Active Older Adults.

Our Facebook Live videos are collected in the Health and Wellness Facebook’s Video Library.

How it Works: Using ZOOM

If you click a link to a Zoom session, the zoom page will open and you will be asked to download the Zoom app onto your computer. By following the on-screen instructions, the Zoom app will be installed and launched.

Zoom has recently increased security protocols which include password protected links and waiting rooms. We have updated the access links for all of our Zoom offerings. All links to any YMCA related classes taking place via Zoom will be provided on our Facebook Health and Wellness page. These links will be password protected, and the password will be embedded in the link.

To join a Zoom class, simply click the class link at the designated time and you will enter a waiting room. A staff person will admit you to the live class! When using Zoom, you can join with your camera on or off. If you join with your camera on, you and your surroundings are visible to other participants. If you join with your camera off, only your name is displayed.

Trouble with Zoom?

If you have any troubles joining the Zoom workout, please message us on our Health and Wellness Facebook Page. Right before and during the virtual class, Y Staff will be available for questions on our Health & Wellness Facebook Page as well as on Zoom to help you.

We look forward to staying connected with you. When you workout with your Y community, be sure to share and tag us so we know you are here.