Posted on: Sunday, August 20th, 2017
Louise’s Story

We are excited to announce that all 3 of our branches offer a 10-week weight loss program called Weigh to Change.
Meet Louise McAuliffe, one of our success stories from our spring 2017 program. She lost a total of 16lbs. and 28.1 inches. Here is her story:
10 weeks ago I was introduced to the Weigh to Change motto, “I do this for me.” I have 3 jobs: wife, mom & employee… at my best I can do those jobs well at any given time. However, notice there is no mention of “me”.
I was overweight, unmotivated, stressed out, & often grumpy. I was making terrible food choices & definitely not practicing portion control. Focusing on my family & job has always made it difficult for me to fit in any type of exercise,.. but I know that was just an excuse. I read about the Weigh to Change program on my Y’s Facebook page & decided to call for info.
So many things appealed to me about the program… the early mornings, 1 night a week, early Saturdays, the nutritionist, the support. I decided to sign up even before the information night.
I love the program. It’s a lot of work, but boy, it was worth it! I felt great after each session. The comraderie of fellow participants & support from coaches were amazing. I learned so much. I now add veggies to smoothies for a delicious breakfast, have salad for lunch almost every day, and eat smaller portions of healthy food for dinner.
I am thrilled to say that I have lost a total of 16 lbs. & 28.1 inches! I now wear clothes I haven’t worn in years, & people are taking notice! My 13 year old daughter exclaimed, “Mom, you’re sticking with it this time, you look great!” My 8 year old daughter wants to come to classes with me. I have even lowered my blood pressure. This program has given me so much energy & I deal with my stress so much easier. I feel great! I am so glad I chose to “do this for me!”
Come to one of our Weigh to Change Information Sessions & Learn More!
Bernon Family (Franklin) Branch
45 Forge Hill Road, Franklin, MA 02038
Days & Times:
- Thursday, December 28 @ 6:00pm
- OR Saturday, January 6 @ 9:30am
- OR Wednesday, January 10 @ 7:00pm
Invensys Foxboro Branch
67 Mechanic Street, Foxboro, MA 02067
Days & Times:
- Wednesday, January 17 @ 6:30pm
- OR Saturday, January 20 @9:30am
North Attleboro Branch
300 Elmwood Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760
Days & Times:
- Wednesday, January 17 @ 6:30pm
- OR Saturday, January 20 @9:30am
The Weigh to Change program offers support and education in both areas of fitness and nutrition. By combining physical training and better nutrition, participants will benefit in the most successful way to achieve weight loss. Participants will be challenged throughout the ten weeks with personal training, nutrition guidance, group work outs, and friendly challenge competitions.
Specifically the Weigh to Change Program includes:
- Weekly individual 30-minute personal training session
- Individual nutrition counseling with nutritionist
- Minimum of three weekly group training sessions
- Weekly nutrition and physical challenges
- Two Nutrition workshops
- Styku 3-D body scan
- Entry into a local road race
The cost of the program is $499 for Hockomock Area YMCA Members and $599 for Hockomock Area YMCA Program Members (over an $800 value). Payment plan available.
Read about Franklin Y’s trainer
Read about Foxboro Y’s trainers
Read about North Attleboro Y’s trainer