Posted on: Friday, September 2nd, 2016

How to Prevent Diabetes? YDPP Classes This Fall

Diabetes is a serious condition that causes blood sugar levels to rise higher than normal. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Currently, diabetes affects more than 29 million people.

Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Risk for developing type 2 diabetes may be reduced or eliminated by weight loss, healthier eating and increased physical activity. More than 86 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk of developing diabetes.

Prediabetes may be reversible; diabetes has no cure. Fortunately, our Diabetes Prevention Program is designed to support adults at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes and to reduce their risk for developing the disease.


North Attleboro Y: begins Wednesday 9/7 at 1:00pm; also offered Thursdays at 6:00pm (beginning 9/22)

Franklin Y: begins Monday 10/3 at 12:30pm; also offered Wednesdays at 6:00pm (beginning 10/5)

Not sure if this is for you?

There is a great tool for prediabetes and type 2 risk assessment at Risk factors include: race, age, weight and activity level. A diabetes screening can also be conducted by your physician.

If you are at risk for diabetes, our YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (YDPP) is designed to help reduce that risk. The Program uses a CDC-approved curriculum and is part of the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program. The year-long program consists of 16 weekly sessions and three sessions every other week during the first six months followed by 6 monthly sessions in the second six months. A trained lifestyle coach helps participants learn tactics for healthy eating, physical activity and other lifestyle changes.

YDPP resulted from a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which showed how healthier eating, increasing physical activity and losing a modest amount of weight could lead to better health in participants and an overall reduction of new type 2 diabetes cases.

The goal of the program is to help adults at risk for diabetes reduce their body weight by 5 to 7 percent and increase their physical activity to 150 minutes per week. Studies have shown that programs like the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program can prevent or delay new cases of type 2 diabetes in adults by 58 percent and by as much as 71 percent in those over age 60.

We are proud to offer this program – which has strengthened over 1,400 communities in 44 states – at no cost to Sturdy Memorial Hospital patients (including anyone with a medical provider associated with Sturdy Memorial Hospital). For other patients diagnosed with prediabetes, finnanical assistance is available. Please call Donna Higgins at 508-772-1310 or with any questions. You may also wish to contact your medical provider for a referral.

Posted on: Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Play a Round in Support of Teens

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be hosting a golf classic at Maplegate Country Club this year. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to provide 2020 fiscal support of our Teen Programs, we would be grateful. Donate by visiting Questions? Please contact Jim Downs at 508-643-5275 or

Each year our YMCA is proud to partner with our friends at beautiful Maplegate Country Club to recognize the achievement of young people in our Leadership Development programs and raise funds for outreach programs that support teens in the 15 communities we serve.

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a great day of golf, for a great cause. This fun event is set for Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at Maplegate Country Club in Bellingham, Massachusetts.

What a value! In addition to an outstanding round of golf, the event will include continental breakfast, lunch on the course, and will conclude with a buffet dinner — all while enjoying the complimentary beverage carts throughout the day and plenty of surprises along the way.


8:30-9:30am – Check-In & Registration / Continental Breakfast
9:30am – Shotgun start
Lunch  – Provided on the course
3:00pm – Dinner program
 Maplegate Country Club, 160 Maple St, Bellingham, MA

How does the Hockomock Y helps kids to get on track and stay on track?

  • Teen Centers
  • Ropes Challenge Courses
  • Leaders Clubs
  • Youth and Government Programs
  • Teen Transitions and part-time staff development programs designed to teach skills and values needed to make safe decisions


Thank you to those who make this event possible. Your support of Hockomock Area YMCA Teen Programming and Outreach is sincerely appreciated.

Course sponsor: Maplegate Country Club
Presenting Sponsor: Servus

Sponsorships are welcome. For more information, contact Jim Downs at 508-643-5275 or

Posted on: Monday, August 29th, 2016

What You Need to Know about Child Protection

Seasons change, days get shorter before they get longer, and we celebrate milestones in our lives. The Y is proud to be part of the fabric of life for thousands of individuals who look to us for impact in the areas of child care, youth programs, healthy living and a sense of community. Our YMCA has always believed that our most important asset is the trust that parents place in us to take care of their children.

We are passionate about working with kids to develop their potential, while helping them to learn, grow, and thrive.

Locally, with hundreds of children visitng our branches daily, our staff are trained to be alert. It is our responsibility to ensure the kids in our care are happy and free to learn and grow at every turn. And so we have a child protection policy.

Our YMCA has comprehensive child protection policies and procedures that are reviewed regularly and part of conversations at every staff meeting. Beyond that, it is in the interest of others to know these policies. Together we can be vigilant and look for signs of abuse and neglect.

We as Y staff, members, community members and volunteers need to build on the work we’ve done and develop the three habits in child abuse prevention:




We Know: when we understand the common practices of those who harm you and the best practices to stop them.
We See: when we can recognize the warning signs or behaviors that signal abuse or risk for abuse.
We Respond: when we take action in response to behaviors we recognize as being inappropriate or questionable.

As we see and interact with these three habits and their corresponding images in various ways at our YMCA’s throughout the day, they remind us of our responsibility to safety and what we can do as individuals to protect youth from abuse.

Together, let’s commit to protecting the youth in our YMCA and our communities by practicing the three habits of child abuse protection each day.

Because when we know and understand how abuse happens, see the warning signs, and are prepared to respond quickly to prevent it, we create a culture of child abuse prevention that results in even safer environments for kids to reach their full potential.

Please follow us on twitter at @HAYChildProtect for the latest developments in child protection policy, news from our new Know See Respond campaign, and ways you can be involved in strengthening your YMCA as a leader in youth development.


Posted on: Monday, August 29th, 2016

Louise’s Story – Weigh to Change!

We are excited to announce that all 3 of our branches will now offer a 10-week weight loss program called Weigh to Change following the success of our Foxboro spring program where 31 members lost a total of 267 pounds and 318.5 inches. Our fall program begins September 12th and will run through November 19th.

Meet Louise McAuliffe, one of our success stories from our spring program. She lost a total of 16lbs. and 28.1 inches. Here is her story:

10 weeks ago I was introduced to the Weigh to Change motto, “I do this for me.” I have 3 jobs: wife, mom & employee… at my best I can do those jobs well at any given time. However, notice there is no mention of “me”.

I was overweight, unmotivated, stressed out, & often grumpy. I was making terrible food choices & definitely not practicing portion control. Focusing on my family & job has always made it difficult for me to fit in any type of exercise,.. but I know that was just an excuse. I read about the Weigh to Change program on my Y’s Facebook page & decided to call for info.

So many things appealed to me about the program… the early mornings, 1 night a week, early Saturdays, the nutritionist, the support. I decided to sign up even before the information night.

I love the program. It’s a lot of work, but boy, it was worth it! I felt great after each session. The comraderie of fellow participants & support from coaches were amazing. I learned so much. I now add veggies to smoothies for a delicious breakfast, have salad for lunch almost every day, and eat smaller portions of healthy food for dinner.

I am thrilled to say that I have lost a total of 16 lbs. & 28.1 inches! I now wear clothes I haven’t worn in years, & people are taking notice! My 13 year old daughter exclaimed, “Mom, you’re sticking with it this time, you look great!” My 8 year old daughter wants to come to classes with me. I have even lowered my blood pressure. This program has given me so much energy & I deal with my stress so much easier. I feel great! I am so glad I chose to “do this for me!”

Come to one of our Weigh to Change Information Sessions & Learn More!

Bernon Family (Franklin) Branch
45 Forge Hill Road, Franklin, MA 02038

Days & Times:

  • August 30, Tuesday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 3, Saturday @ 10:00am

Invensys Foxboro Branch
67 Mechanic Street, Foxboro, MA 02067

Days & Times:

  • September 1, Thursday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 10, Saturday @ 9:00am

North Attleboro Branch
300 Elmwood Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760

Days & Times:

  • September 1, Thursday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 10, Saturday @ 8:00am

The Weigh to Change program offers support and education in both areas of fitness and nutrition. By combining physical training and better nutrition, participants will benefit in the most successful way to achieve weight loss. Participants will be challenged throughout the ten weeks with personal training, nutrition guidance, group work outs, and friendly challenge competitions.

Specifically the Weigh to Change Program includes:

  • Weekly individual 30-minute personal training session
  • Individual nutrition counseling with nutritionist
  • Minimum of three weekly group training sessions
  • Weekly nutrition and physical challenges
  • Two Nutrition workshops
  • Styku 3-D body scan
  • Entry into the Foxboro Y 5K Race on October 9th

The cost of the program is $499 for Hockomock Area YMCA Members and $749 for Hockomock Area YMCA Program Members (over an $800 value).


Read about Franklin Y’s trainer
Read about Foxboro Y’s trainers
Read about North Attleboro Y’s trainer

Posted on: Wednesday, August 10th, 2016

George Johnson, Jr. Receives Legacy of Caring Award

George Johnson, Jr. was recently bestowed the second annual Marge Kraskouskas Legacy of Caring Award on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 26 at the Hockomock Area YMCA’s annual staff recognition luncheon, which was held at Lake Pearl in Wrentham.

A staff member of the Hockomock Area YMCA community for 29 years, Johnson joined the Y in April of 1987. He currently works in the Facilities Department in the North Attleboro Branch and serves as a referee for Y leagues and sports events. Johnson is also an active participant in the community, serving as a Pop Warner and high school football official. Known for his friendliness and willingness to step up and help others, Johnson is well deserving of the Y’s Legacy of Caring Award. Johnson’s reception of this year’s award was met with a standing ovation from his staff colleagues at the luncheon.

The award, named for Marge Kraskouskas, recognizes a staff member for unyielding passion and commitment to the mission and values of the Hockomock Area YMCA. Marge Kraskouskas is the former Hockomock Area YMCA Vice President of Human Resources. Last year, the Legacy of Caring Award was given to Ann Maitland, who has been a partner with the Y for 30 years. She is the director of the Top of the Hill Pre School at the Hockomock Y’s North Attleboro Branch.

Hockomock Area YMCA President and CEO Ed Hurley presented Johnson with the award. Hurley remarked after presenting the award “If I were to stand here and talk about all of the things George has done in his career at the YMCA, from the departments he’s supported and worked with, to the people whose lives he’s touched, they’d be serving dinner at Lake Pearl.” Johnson’s contributions have had a considerable impact over the decades, and the YMCA as well as the community as a whole are fortunate to be indebted to Johnson’s generosity and service.

Congratulations to George Johnson, Jr. on receiving the 2016 Legacy of Caring Award!

Posted on: Friday, August 5th, 2016

Where Community Comes Together

Summer continues to be an exciting time at our YMCA.

On Sunday, July 24th our Hockomock Area YMCA Triathlon was held at Lake Pearl with nearly 300 participants braving the high temperature and humidity.

A highlight of the day was the participation of a group of 8 cancer survivors from our LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program competing as a group on a course that traveled from Lake Pearl in Wrentham, through the towns of Norfolk and Franklin.

The group trained together for weeks. For some, they participated only months after treatments and surgeries, a true testament to the power and inspiration of this life-changing program we are so proud to offer.

Upon completion of the race, the courage and perseverance of our brave cancer survivors was transformed into incredible spirit and emotion among all those gathered at the finish line cheering them on, clearly inspired by their purpose and accomplishment.

The Milford Summer Food Service Program, a collaborative community initiative, continues to flourish with the goal of ensuring children have access to the food they deserve. The Hockomock Area YMCA serves as the project coordinator and provides staff and overall project management in parternship with the Milford Area Humanitarian Coalition. As of mid-August more than 5,000 meals have been served to children and families in the greater Milford region.

On Monday, August 8th, the families visiting the Memorial Elementary site in Milford were treated to a surprise thanks to the generosity of the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation and Patriot Place as Pat Patriot entertained 85 kids and adults with pictures and autographs.

Brian Earley, General Manager of Patriot Place and Chairman of the Hockomock Area YMCA’s Board of Directors, presented the kids with 200 New England Patriots children’s books to take home and enjoy.

Milford Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kevin McIntyre and Assistant Superintendent Craig Consigli treated the children to a reading of the book while Pat Patriot acted out the scenes to the chants of “Let’s Go Patriots!”

This summer, more than 1,000 kids a day are enjoying their “best summer ever” at our camps at locations in Bellingham, Foxboro, Franklin, Mansfield, and North Attleboro.

Summer campers from our Invensys Foxboro Branch were graciously welcomed to the Xfinity Center for a special tour of the facility by General Manager Jeff Mann – a valued Hockomock Area YMCA volunteer. They also had the opportunity to perform on stage.

Recently summer camp counselors were asked to reflect on their experiences and I’d like to close this month’s eNews with a couple of their responses.

“At camp we have kids from all different backgrounds. We have kids with a wide range of disabilities and special needs ranging from Down Syndrome to kids on the Autism Spectrum. And regardless of what disability they have, they still have an amazing time, making friends and participating at camp.” – Camp New Horizons Coordinator Colin Quinn

“I think at summer camp it’s really important for kids to make connections with other kids their age outside of a school environment…so inside a classroom they obviously know a lot of people but outside of the classroom at camp it’s so different. You get to play a million and ten games every week and get those connections outside of a learning environment where they get to learn about teamwork and about what it means to be a good friend.” – Camp Elmwood Group Leader Matty Greeley

I’m proud of our impact as a cause driven organization and the work we are doing to bring community together to make a difference in the lives of all those we serve. Thank you for continuing to make that impact possible.

Ed Hurley
President, Hockomock Area YMCA

August news from the office of President Ed Hurley

Posted on: Monday, August 1st, 2016

New Programs for Fall 1

We’re gearing up for a fantastic Fall 1 session!

Fall 1 runs:
Sept 12 – Oct 30

Enjoy a variety of programs for everyone in your family.

Over the summer, we (and probably you) have been incredibly inspired watching Team USA in Rio and now we’re excited to see the ripple effect as members in our community decide they too want to work hard in their athletic pursuits. At the YMCA, our programs are designed to help every individual achieve their potential, while learning the benefits of responsibility and respect for teammates, coaches, and all individuals providing support in ways big and small. What a fantastic tradition the summer games are!

As we move into fall, here are our Top Three Program suggestions:


Perhaps nothing is better than gymnastics for helping kids to develop balance and coordination, plus the confidence that’s won as a child takes on new challenges. All of our gymnastics classes use age-appropriate equipment, and our teaching program works with kids of all abilities.

Is your child a future Olympian? Explore the excitement that comes with representing your YMCA in state, regional, and national meets. What a blast our competitive team gymnasts had travelling this summer to California to compete in the YMCA National Gymnastics Championships. At all levels, our gymnasts are putting forth the effort of champions, including boys who join us in recreational classes and toddlers who enjoy classes with a parent or guardian.

Franklin Gymnastics Details

Foxboro Gymnastics Details

North Attleboro Gymnastics Details


The Y is a great place to learn to love a sport and our upcoming fall leagues mean kids can have fun outdoors, while taking advantage of the best time of year to live (and be active outdoors) in New England. Try flag football, soccer, t-ball or cheerleading and be part of our Team YMCA. Don’t miss our early bird savings. When you sign up by the end of day Sunday August 28, you’ll save $15 per sport per child.

Our sports leagues emphasize skill development and the importance of good sportsmanship. Everyone plays and learns. A team sports shirt, cheer uniform, or football jersey is provided with registration. Family event will also be included to end the season in celebration of all athletes.

Franklin Sports Leagues

Foxboro Sports Leagues

North Attleboro Sports Leagues


Swimming is a life skill as well as great exercise and a challenging sport. We are passionate about making everyone confident and safe around the water, so we have swim lessons for all ages. Teaching children how to be safe around water is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. We are delighted by what Giovanni says about his swim lessons.

Transitioning back to school might mean it’s a good time to try something new. Explore our intramural and competitive swim programs, which are very popular. John Alberta grew up swimming at the Y and can do the butterfly as beautifully as the swimmers we watched in Rio. Here is John’s Y story. We are thrilled to learn John completed a successful first year swimming for the Engineers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and wish him well in the year ahead.

Franklin Swim Details

Foxboro Swim Details

North Attleboro Swim Details

Tryouts for our HAY LIGHTNING TEAM will take place Thursday, September 1. Visit for details.

There’s more… Yes!

We now offer DANCE CLASSES in an extended 15-week session.

You talked, we listened: Fall 1 dance classes in Foxboro and North Attleboro will run through the end of December, culminating with our holiday performances. Note, we still offer 7-week classes in Franklin (if this is your preference, we just ask you to keep an eye on the Stay Updated section of our website for Fall 2 registration reminders at the end of September).
Foxboro Dance Details North Attleboro Dance Details Franklin Dance Details

Nutrition Coaching is now offered at our YMCA.

And we offer lots of options for helping kids and families make good choices in the every-day areas of their lives. Read more here.

Fall 1 runs 7 weeks, with the following exceptions:

  • No classes held on Columbus Day (10/10/16).
    Monday class participants will see a reduced fee in their cart when compared to the same class running on other days of the week to reflect one fewer class.
  • In Foxboro only… our Fall 1 session begins on Sunday 9/11/16.
    If you’re registering for a Sunday class in Foxboro, please note that you will come a week early and that you will NOT come to class on the day of the Foxboro 5K (10/9/16). This allows a 7-week class and the ability for you to take part in our annual 5K/Fun Run and Family Day. Read more on the Foxoboro 5K here.
  • Sports Leagues kick off the weekend of Sept. 16. Season runs: September 16 – November 6, 2016. Teams will enjoy 3 weeks of practice, followed by 5 weeks of games.


Posted on: Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Announcing the start of our fall Weigh to Change Program

We are excited to announce that all 3 of our branches will now offer a 10-week weight loss program called Weigh to Change following the success of our Foxboro spring program where 31 members lost a total of 267 pounds and 318.5 inches. Our fall program begins September 12th and will run through November 19th.

Meet Jed Neureuter, winner and one of our success stories from our spring program. He lost a total of 30 lbs. and 43.9 inches. Here is his story:

“As a result of the Weigh to Change program, I feel great! If I were to sum it up, the program was all about education for me. Now I know how to eat well and exercise properly.

The nutrition component was eye opening. The Styku scans, calorie counting, nutritional food recommendations and supermarket tours were all learning opportunities…I now know better what, when and how much to eat.

The personal training component has me hooked on exercise to complement my improved diet. I learned what Burpees and Pilates are, and even how to Spin. With Michelle, I learned how to do TRX and a new meaning of “sweet sixteen” among several others. The Y staff personalized my workouts and kept them interesting, introducing new exercises, stretching, foam rolling and the Sprint 8. I’ve experienced just about every exercise contraption the Y offers and I’m not longer intimidated to try the group exercise classes.

I know how to eat well, how to exercise properly and realize it’s just the start. The Hockomock Y has put together a great program framework and a great supportive team. I couldn’t be happier to have been part of this program.”

Come to one of our Weigh to Change Information Sessions & Learn More!

Bernon Family (Franklin) Branch
45 Forge Hill Road, Franklin, MA 02038

Days & Times:

  • August 30, Tuesday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 3, Saturday @ 10:00am

Invensys Foxboro Branch
67 Mechanic Street, Foxboro, MA 02067

Days & Times:

  • September 1, Thursday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 10, Saturday @ 9:00am

North Attleboro Branch
300 Elmwood Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760

Days & Times:

  • September 1, Thursday @ 6:30pm
  • OR September 10, Saturday @ 8:00am

The Weigh to Change program offers support and education in both areas of fitness and nutrition. By combining physical training and better nutrition, participants will benefit in the most successful way to achieve weight loss. Participants will be challenged throughout the ten weeks with personal training, nutrition guidance, group work outs, and friendly challenge competitions.

Specifically the Weigh to Change Program includes:

  • Weekly individual 30-minute personal training session
  • Individual nutrition counseling with nutritionist
  • Minimum of three weekly group training sessions
  • Weekly nutrition and physical challenges
  • Two Nutrition workshops
  • Styku 3-D body scan
  • Entry into the Foxboro Y 5K Race on October 9th

The cost of the program is $499 for Hockomock Area YMCA Members and $749 for Hockomock Area YMCA Program Members (over an $800 value).


Read about the Franklin Y’s trainer

Read about the Foxboro Y’s trainers

Read about the North Attleboro Y’s trainer

Posted on: Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

Come See Shrek the Musical!

Everybody’s favorite ogre is coming to stage this weekend!

Enjoy our Broad-Y Academy’s youth theatre adaption of the Tony award-winning show Shrek The Musical, to be held at Bellingham High School (60 Blackstone Street, Bellingham, MA).

The classic characters of the academy award-winning movie will come to life, including full lights, sound, costumes, sets and props:

  • Saturday, Aug. 13, 7:00 pm
  • and Sunday, Aug. 14, 1:00 pm

Tickets will be available at the door. $10 (adults) $7 (students)

Come be entertained by the cast of Shrek The Musical. Enrichment programs at the Y let all kids grow in creativity, gaining confidence and learning more about themselves. Enjoy the show!!

Posted on: Monday, July 25th, 2016

Youth Leadership at the Y

Through our leadership programs, the Y makes sure that every child has an opportunity to envision and pursue a positive future, and to take an active role in strengthening community. Our Leaders Clubs develop youth ages 12 to 18 as leaders while fostering a culture of service. Learn about the experiences these teens have had at our Y:

Lindsey DeRusha, a 2016 King Philip Regional High School graduate, began her journey with the Hockomock Area YMCA at age 11. The Y soon became her second home. Lindsey was a Counselor-in-Training, and later a camp counselor. Lindsey has been part of the Invensys Foxboro Branch’s Leaders Club for four years, serving on the Executive Board for three years. This year she was the Club President. Lindsey is most proud of her role in the “Be a Star” project. Leaders from all over the region planned and provided a senior luncheon, helped at an elderly housing community, and assisted at food pantries, homeless shelters, and domestic abuse centers. “I am proud of who the Y has made me and who it’s let me be,” shares Lindsey. “I try to positively impact everyone I meet. It’s through the Y that I have learned to do that.” Lindsey was this year’s Youth of the Year for the Invensys Foxboro Branch.

Samantha Bellavance, a 2016 graduate of Franklin High School, is another model of someone who cares and gives back to their community. She describes herself as a “Y lifer,” since she started going to the Y at age 3. Active in the Y’s Leaders Club, Sam has spent an astonishing 2,000 hours performing community service. She was also active in the School’s Out program, where she was a group leader for the before and after school child care at the Y. This year’s Youth of the Year for the Bernon Family Branch, Sam credits the Y for helping instill in her important values, asserting that “I learned to focus on others. I was inspired to be honest and super respectful. I don’t know what my life would be like without the Y.”

Lindsay Robinson, the North Attleboro Branch Youth of the Year, serves to be another example of a young Y member with both leadership skills and compassion for others. A North Attleboro resident, Lindsay’s first experiences at the Y came when she was a child. Her passion for gymnastics began at our Y and she has progressed to become an exceptional gymnast earning many accolades for her dedication and skill. “I’m most proud of the life skills I’m learning at the Y. They take an interest in me and encourage me to reach for success through hard work,” beams Lindsay. Recognized as a leader in the gym with a strong work ethic and friendly demeanor, Lindsay has also earned a reputation outside the gym for giving back to her community. Last year, Lindsay organized a leotard resale campaign for her Bat Mitzvah project to raise funds for our Y’s Reach Out For Youth and Families Campaign. Lindsay has also donated time to many other causes like Lenore’s Food Pantry, Clean North Attleboro, and our annual ROFY Flip Fest.

To learn more about teen leadership opportunities, click here.