the Mansfield Y

All that’s happening at the Mansfield Y.

Posted on: Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

Looking Back at 2019

Our Hockomock Area YMCA is a place where people and relationships matter. We are motivated by the stories we get to tell around the impact our Y has on our members and in the communities we serve. Stories help us share the innovative ways we seek to offer programs to improve the wellness of our members, to provide support to kids & families, and to protect the youth who are entrusted to our care.

This brief video looks back on some of our Y’s 2019 highlights and I hope you share our pride in the impact we have every day in the 15 communities we serve.

This celebrates the work we get to do. We get to be a community convener and we get to put smiles on people’s faces. We get to share your stories of impact. Together we are accomplishing great things.

Here’s to 2020 and the continued difference we will make in the communities we get to serve.>Enjoy this video and a sincere thank you for all you do in support of our YMCA.


Ed Hurley
President, Hockomock Area YMCA

Posted on: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

School Age Learning Support Program

As a community organization with a mission grounded in serving the greater good, we are here to help meet emerging needs in our communities.

We are in communication and collaboration with our local school leaders and partners.

We know that schools and schedules may look different this fall and we are planning for all contingencies in order to support families as they navigate the upcoming school year.

While all school district decisions are not yet made, our YMCA will be here to help supplement learning and provide a safe, nurturing environment for children.

More information will be shared as soon as we have more details and as final district plans are approved. Until then, please fill out our interest form so that we can learn more about your needs and communicate with you directly as we have more details on our programming.


At all three of our YMCA full facility branches, we are planning to provide onsite full-day remote learning and enrichment programming Monday through Friday as space allows. We are also identifying additional YMCA programming and models that may be needed on site at schools and buildings in communities we serve.

We appreciate everyone’s support as we strive to protect the health & safety of our YMCA community, care for and help provide support and learning to children and families who need us, and work together collaboratively in the days ahead.

Posted on: Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Partner with us for our 6th annual Food Drive

Thank you for your support of local families in need. This year, our Healthy Food Access Initiative is excited to share a food drive that will support school-based food pantries. From March 9 through April 15, donation boxes will be available for you to bring along a healthy food item (or two!) during your next visit to the Y.

Did you know? One in nine people in eastern Massachusetts is at risk for food insecurity. Due to significant increases in food insecurity, many schools are now hosting food pantries, which greatly aids families where transportation or work schedules conflict with their accessing the town food pantry.

School-based food pantries rely heavily on community resources to provide kids the healthy food they need and deserve. Volunteers, staff, parents, teachers, clubs, churches, and other community groups are all crucial to implementing and sustaining these programs through food drives and fundraising efforts.

Please support local families by donating healthy, kid-friendly food items. Typically, children carry this food home and often prepare it themselves, so we are asking for food that is reasonably nutritious, lightweight, and easy to prepare. All food will be donated directly to the schools or the town food pantries. Suggested items include: oatmeal cups/packets, macaroni & cheese boxes/cups, granola bars (nut free whole grain preferred), applesauce or mandarin orange cups (no added sugar), whole grain crackers, tuna pouches in water (low sodium), Progresso chicken soup (low sodium), rice boxes/cups, Barilla Ready Pasta and pasta boxes. Grocery store gift card donations can also be made in person at YMCA Member Services.

Your volunteer support is also welcome in these ways: weighing and counting donations, transporting donated items, and helping spread the word about this initiative with friends and neighbors.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Shannon Nisbett at

Sponsored by: Hockomock Area YMCA’s Healthy Food Access Initiative and Stop & Shop.

Posted on: Friday, February 14th, 2020

Part Day Preschool Programs

Our Part Day Preschool Programs in Franklin, Mansfield and North Attleboro are enrolling for the 2020-2021 Academic Year.

We offer part day preschool programs to enhance the social and academic skills of children ages 2.9 to 5 years old. The program focuses on activities that promote character development including caring, respect, honesty and responsibility. Our preschool staff strive to create a warm, structured environment in which preschool children develop a positive self-image through activities which enhance individual skills as well as positive group interaction. Unique lessons are brought to life in fun and imaginative ways.

Teachers guide students in learning new motor and academic skills through activities in reading, science and math, using a STEM curriculum and our iPad technology program. We emphasize listening and verbal skills that prepare children for school.

Our curriculum also includes physical activities such as gymnastics, swim and sports to keep kids active. We introduce our preschoolers to a range of learning opportunities in a structured environment, providing a well-rounded school readiness program.

The part day preschool takes place at the Franklin and North Attleboro YMCA branches, as well as the Mansfield Arts & Education Center, and is available in five, three, and two day sessions.

To talk to our Preschool Director and schedule a tour, please contact:

  • Bernon Family YMCA Childcare: 774-235-2745
  • North Attleboro YMCA Childcare: 508-643-5238
  • Mansfield Arts & Education Center Preschool: 508-339-3066

Posted on: Friday, January 31st, 2020

Hockomock Happenings

It’s a busy time at our Y! Check out the many fun activities we have coming up over the next several months!

NINJA TURTLE PIZZA PARTY – This Event has been Canceled

North Attleboro Y: FRIDAY, MARCH 20

Franklin Y: FRIDAY, MARCH 27
5:30-6:30pm at Franklin & North Attleboro branches and 6:30-7:30 pm at Foxboro Branch.

EVENT DETAILS: Join us as the Ninja Turtles come to life. We’ll make a cool craft, enjoy pizza and an adventure with Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo. Lunch includes, pizza, fruit, and milk.

Sign Up Today!

CAMP BLAST FAMILY NIGHT – This Event has been Canceled

6:30-8:00pm at all three of our branches

EVENT DETAILS: Families are invited to enjoy a ‘summer-like’ evening filled with fun for the whole family! Experience why kids have the ‘Best Summer Ever’ when they attend our summer camps.

  • Opening & Closing Ceremonies
  • Face Painting
  • Camp Songs
  • STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math)
  • Crafts, Games, Raffles, & Prizes
  • Bouncy House and Gaga Pit
  • Open Swim at 8:00PM
  • & Much More

Children will get to participate in and experience Y Camp hands-on. Parents and prospective campers will have the chance to tour our camp facilities, meet camp directors and counselors, ask questions, and try out the many activities our summer camps offer.


10:00am-1:00pm at our North Attleboro Teen Center located at 585 East Washington Street.

EVENT DETAILS: Kids ages 11 to 16 are invited to become a certified babysitter! Participants will earn a certification by the American Safety & Health Institute. Certificates will be mailed home upon successful completion of the course.

  • Learn how to become a reliable, valued employee
  • Gain tips to manage your start as a babysitter
  • Learn to stay composed and respond during unexpected emergencies
  • Learn basic first aid skills
  • Gain valuable experience including changing diapers, feeding children, and more

Private group training available for parties of 6 or more. Questions? Please contact Dawn DaCosta at

Sign Up Today!

LETS DANCE – This event has been canceled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.

6:30-9:00pm at the Foxboro YMCA

EVENT DETAILS: Dance to the Beatles Cover Band, the Mercy Beats!

Individuals ages 14 and over are invited to join us for a night of food, dancing, raffles, and amazing, live music.

Cost is $15 per person, $20 per family, pay at the door. All proceeds will be donated to the YMCA’s Reach Out For Youth Scholarship Fund. Dance brought to you be the Hockomock Area YMCA’s Integration Department.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Manuelpillai at

To Learn more about the Mercy Beats, follow them on Facebook at @TheMercyBeats,NatickMA.

BREAKFAST WITH THE BUNNY – This Event has been Canceled

8:30am or 10:00am Breakfast Seatings at Foxboro Branch
9:00am or 10:00am Breakfast Seatings at North Attleboro and Franklin Branches

EVENT DETAILS: Families are invited to a delicious breakfast with the Bunny. Breakfast will include Pancakes, Fruit, Muffins, Coffee, and Juice. Kids will have a great time making a spring time craft and going on an egg hunt. Don’t forget to bring your camera!

Sign Up Today!


SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 2 & 3, 2020
at our Hockomock Area YMCA North Attleboro Branch outdoor campus.

EVENT DETAILS: This program is open to participants 18 years or older. CPR Certification is required prior to the course unless taken as a part of this course package.

  • This 16-hour course will teach individuals how to respond in an emergency during a delayed-help environment and use first aid skills.
  • The American Red Cross is identified as a preferred provider by the Boy Scouts of America, and this program is based on their Wilderness First Aid Curriculum & Doctrine Guidelines and has been updated to reflect the latest emergency cardio-vascular care science.
  • The program is appropriate for individuals who participate in outdoor recreational activities or who work in the wilderness or remote settings where emergency medical services (EMS) response is more than 1 hour away.
  • Program emphasizes experiential learning with major portions of the course taught in the outdoor setting.
  • Proceeds support YMCA teen programs.


    8:00am-4:30pm: Wilderness First Aid (Day 1)
    5:00-6:30pm: Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED (Optional Add-On)
  • SUNDAY, MAY 3rd
    8:00am-4:30pm: Wilderness First Aid (Day 2)


  • Wilderness First Aid (only) – $160 (lunches included)
  • Add-On Option: Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED – $30
  • Registration Deadline: Friday, April 17, 2020

Brian Jenney has been an instructor for the American Red Cross since 1992 teaching CPR, First Aid & Lifeguarding. In addition to his work with the ARC, he is also a certified instructor through the American Safety & Health Institute and YMCA of the USA. Brian was a Master Counselor/Teacher with the Eckerd Wilderness Educational System and led extended backcountry backpack and canoe expeditions in Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina & New York.

For additional questions, please contact Dawn DaCosta at

Sign Up Today!

Posted on: Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Healthy Weight & Your Child – Enrolling in North Attleboro & Bellingham

Empowering kids to reach a healthy weight and enjoy a healthier lifestyle—with the support of their families

Our upcoming session of Healthy Weight & Your Child (for ages 7-13) begins at the end of February—offered at either the North Attleboro Y or at Stall Brook Elementary School, Bellingham. Participants and their parent or guardian will meet twice weekly for the first 15 weeks and then once weekly for the final five weeks. This impactful program offers education and physical activity and is available at no cost to the first 10 families who enroll at the Bellingham site, thanks to the generous support of Stop and Shop’s Our Family Foundation. The charge in North Attleboro is $100 (member) or $150 (non-member), with financial assistance available to those who qualify.

Healthy Weight & Your Child (HWYC) emphasizes three elements: healthy eating, regular physical activity and behavior change. We will engage the whole family so that together you can learn about factors that influence choices, with the goal of achieving a healthier weight.

Made up of groups of eight to 15 children and their parents/caregivers, the program creates a safe, fun, and active environment for children and their families to explore and adopt proven methods to living a healthier lifestyle. The program is an evidence-based model, developed by leading child health and weight management specialists using the best available research, as well as clinical and government guidelines. The sessions are facilitated by trained content and activity leaders who are committed to engaging the whole family.

Interested families should contact Marykate Bergen at or call 508-339-4053 to register to attend the sessions.

Information Sessions Will be Held as Follows:

  • February 10, 2020 at the North Attleboro Y (300 Elmwood Street, North Attleboro) at 5:30 p.m. (learn more about the Monday, Thursday 5:30 pm sessions that will run Feb. 24-June 11)
  • February 11, 2020 at the Stall Brook School (342 Hartford Ave, Bellingham) at 6:00 p.m. (learn more about the Tuesday, Thursday 6pm sessions that will run Feb. 25-June 11)
  • no meetings during the week of April 19

The Hockomock Area YMCA has been involved with youth obesity prevention since 2007, which marked the start of the Healthy Futures Initiative designed to create healthier communities. Healthy Weight and Your Child is a 25-session program, which includes 20 sessions delivered two times per week, followed by five weekly sessions. Sessions are two hours in length with the first hour delivered in a classroom setting and the second hour focusing on physical activity. A family Y membership is provided for the duration of the program.

To be eligible for the program, each child must be between the ages of 7 and 13, have a body mass index greater than or equal to the 95th percentile, be cleared for physical activity by a health care provider or school nurse, and be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at every session.

Posted on: Monday, January 13th, 2020

February Vacation Programs Enrolling

When School Is Out, the Fun Is In.

WHEN: FEB. 17 – 21, 2020

Kids and young adults (ages 3+) are invited to join us during February school break for fun, social, and educational activities.

Our experienced staff in Foxboro, Franklin and North Attleboro will ensure your child’s safety and happiness during an action-packed week!

Here’s what’s happening at The Foxboro Y:

  • WAPAWCA DAYS for ages 3-11 (choose JR WAPAWCA “JWAP” for your 3-5 year old and includes both half and full day options). Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm) includes field trips for ages 6+; details below*
  • WAPAWCA EXTENDED DAY PRE/POST CAMP CARE (option for working families) Runs 7am-9am / 4pm-6pm
  • VOYAGER TRIPS for ages 11-14. Runs Tuesday-Friday (9am-4pm) trips are listed below*
  • STAY ALL DAY for ages 5-10. Runs Tuesday-Friday (9am-4pm) including cooking, baking, swimming and STEAM activities.
  • THEATRE WORKSHOPS for ages 5-11, 7-16 and 10-16. Runs 9am-4pm. (Days vary; meets at Mansfield Arts Ctr)

* FIELD TRIPS Explore unique destinations with friends! We will group WAPAWCAs & Voyagers by age; both will visit: Monday, 2/17-Legoland; Tuesday, 2/18-BattlegroundZ; Wednesday 2/19-Snowtubing; Thursday 2/20- Children’s Museum; Friday 2/21- Xtreme Craze Inflatable Air Park.

Here’s what’s happening at The Franklin Y:

  • FEBRUARY WIGGI DAYS for ages 5-12. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm)includes field trips, listed below**
  • WIGGI EXTENDED DAY PRE/POST CAMP CARE (option for working families) Runs 7am-9am / 4pm-6pm
  • SWIM VACATION for ages 5-13. Runs Monday & Friday (9am-4pm)
  • GYMNASTICS for ages 3-5 and 6-14. Runs Tuesday-Thursday (9am-12pm–ages 3-5; 9am-4pm–ages 6-14)
  • OUTDOOR ADVENTURE TRIPS for ages 10-15. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm from North Attleboro)

** FIELD TRIPS Explore unique destinations with friends! WIGGIs will have a great time visiting: Monday, 2/17 -Legoland Tuesday 2/18 – Rollerskating at Forrest’s Family Fun Center; Wednesday 2/19 – Museum of Science; Thursday 2/20 – Bowling/Entertainment Center; Friday 2/21 – Altitude Trampoline Park and Swimming at the Y

Here’s what’s happening at The North Attleboro Y:

  • ELMWOOD DAYS for ages 6-12. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm) includes field trips, listed below***
  • ELMWOOD EXTENDED DAY PRE/POST CAMP CARE (option for working families) Runs 7am-9am / 4pm-6pm
  • GYMNASTICS for ages 3-14. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm)
  • OUTDOOR ADVENTURE TRIPS for ages 10-15. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm). Trips will include Monday 2/17-Snowshoe/Hike Mt. Wachusett; Tuesday 2/18-Rock Spot Climbing Gym; Wednesday 2/19-Hike the Blue Hills & Campfire Cooking; Thursday, 2/20-BattlegroundZ; Friday 2/21-Lazer Gate.
  • SPORTS for ages 6-12. Runs Tuesday-Thursday (9am-4pm)
  • SWIM VACATION for ages 5-13. Runs Monday-Friday (9am-4pm)
  • COOKING & BAKING for ages 5-12. Runs Monday & Tuesday(9am-4pm)

*** FIELD TRIPS Explore unique destinations with friends! ELMWOODs will have a great time visiting: Monday 2/17-Lazergate; Tuesday 2/18-Snowtubing at Ski Ward Ski Area; Wednesday 2/19-Rollerskating at Forrest’s Family Fun Center; Thursday 2/20-Xtreme Craze Inflatable Air Park; Friday 2/21-Altitude Trampoline Park and Swimming

Here’s what’s happening at The Mansfield Arts & Education Ctr:

  • THEATRE WORKSHOPS for ages 5-11, 7-15 and 10-15. Runs 9am-4pm (Days for age groups vary)


Posted on: Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Urinetown (the Musical)

The Hockomock Area YMCA Theatre Institute Presents Urinetown.

From our Performing Arts Director, Julia Paolino: “It is with an extremely heavy heart that the YMCA has made the decision to postpone this weekend’s performance of Urinetown in response to the state of emergency that has been declared regarding the coronavirus. As healthy living and social responsibility are two pillars of our organization, the YMCA believes that it is best for us to avoid gathering large groups of people together for this performance.

The show will go on and the hard work of these amazing students will be celebrated, but just at a later date. We will be working tirelessly to reschedule the performance when it is safe to do so. All those who purchased tickets already will be fully refunded beginning tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your continued support of our program and our talented students.


Our Theatre Institute actors age 15-22 invite you to Urinetown the Musical this weekend at the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center! Performances are Friday, March 13th and Saturday, March 14th at 7 PM.

And yes- you read that correctly. The title is actually Urinetown!

In a Gotham-like city, a terrible water shortage, caused by a 20-year drought, has led to a government-enforced ban on private toilets. The citizens must use public amenities, regulated by a single malevolent company that profits by charging admission for one of humanity’s most basic needs. Amid the people, a hero decides that he’s had enough and plans a revolution to lead them all to freedom!

Purchase your ticket today click here

The show runs approximately 2 hours, plus intermission, and is rated PG, with some moments of PG-13 humor. We are thrilled to share this wonderful story with you.

March 13 (Fri) 7:00 pm
March 14 (Sat) 7:00 pm

At the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center
1 School St, Foxborough, Massachusetts

Our cast includes 21 fantastic high school students from throughout the surrounding area: Paris Arffa (Franklin), Gwenne Balcius (Franklin), Olivia Devlin (Franklin), Savannah Devlin (Franklin), Melissa Fredrick (Franklin), Brigid Gilberti (Franklin), Haley Hendrickson (Mansfield), Anne Kane (Walpole), James Kane (Walpole), Catherine Middelmann (Franklin), Katie O’Neill (Franklin), Andrew Olah (Franklin), Michaela Olah (Franklin), Angelina Perez (Franklin), Elena Perez-Kocis (Franklin), Leah Pilof (Franklin), Shannon Reardon (Franklin), Zachary Schreiber (Mansfield), Timothy Troilo (Mansfield), Jenna Van Hyning (Franklin), and Megan Whalen (Mansfield).

Music and Lyrics by Mark Hollmann
Book by Greg Kotis

Posted on: Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Our Gymnastics Curriculum

Interested in gymnastics classes? We are offering an updated curriculum with the most flexible scheduling ever before available at our gyms in Foxboro, Franklin, and North Attleboro! Try NEW babies offerings, classes that run now through June—allowing gymnasts to progress between stages while keeping the time slot that works best—and many specialty classes like Superhero, Princess, and Gym & Swim.

Y Gymnastics Classes at a Glance:

PARENT-CHILD GYMNASTICS provides a child’s first introduction to gymnastics—led by a knowledgeable instructor while supported in class by a parent or guardian: a great way to bond with your child and encourage social interactions in a group setting from when your child starts walking through independent participation.

  • ME & MY 1 YEAR OLD introduce your toddler to a new & exciting environment with singing, stretching, floor stations; ME & MY 2 YEAR OLD bars, beam, floor and vault. Using all elements of gymnastics, you and your child will enjoy time together and witness learning take place alongside lots of fun; and ME & MY 3 YEAR OLD similar to above, with kids showing improved listening skills and progressing to participate independently.


PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS provides foundational skills for gymnasts age 3-6 through floor work (teaching proper positions such as V-sit, stick and straight jump) and developing skills on bars, beam, floor and vault.

  • STAGE 1 introductory skills will be practiced and children will advance once they show proficiency (example: swing on rings, sideways walk on beam, build upper body strength climbing over obstacles, vault: run and jump onto board then jump off alone); STAGE 2 using all elements of gymnastics, athletes will advance (example: back hip circle on bars with a light spot, handstand on low beam, round off, 3 step hurdle up to vault); and STAGE 3 extensive experience will be provided to gymnasts and skills will continue to improve (example: chin up and leg lift on high bar, pivot turns on beam, back bend, hand stand forward roll, dive roll on vault).


YOUTH GYMNASTICS provides organized drills and curriculum for ages 6-14, preparing gymnasts for a competitive or recreational track.

  • BEGINNER bars, beam, floor and vault: introductory skills will be practiced and children will advance once they show proficiency (example: pullover with spot, high beam walk without assistance, handstand, cartwheel off the vault with a spot); INTERMEDIATE using all elements of gymnastics, athletes will advance (example: back hip circle on bars with a light spot, handstand on low beam, round off, 3 step hurdle up to vault); and ADVANCED in which gymnasts really hone their skills and show grace and strength that is on par with competitive gymnastics (example: bars under-swing dismount, beam round off dismount, back handspring on wedge with a light spot, handstand off the vault).


Our intent is to foster a sense of achievement as children progress between levels, improving on listening and social skills on top of the benefits of movement classes toward gross motor skills. Through this approach, gymnasts flow more easily to higher levels while those who need more instruction can learn at their own pace. This results in more confident gymnasts who stick with lessons and develop a love for gymnastics that can lead to team gymnastics and a lifetime of healthy habits.

Our Youth Program Guide (pp 12-16) explains everything and can be downloaded to help when choosing gymnastics classes.



Inquire about your gymnast today.

If you have any question about Gymnastics, or want some help placing your child in the right class, please reach out to our Gymnastics Directors below or simply call the front desk.

Bernon Y (Franklin): Lacey Whitaker at

Foxboro Y: Alysha Lavatori at

North Attleboro Y: Erin Shea at

Posted on: Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Youth Splash and Dash is Cancelled for 2020


SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2020



Lake Pearl
299 Creek Street, Wrentham, MA

This is a swimming and running aquathlon competition for kids ages 5 to 14. Participants swim in lap lanes in Lake Pearl then transition from the lake to a running trail on Lake Pearl grounds to finish the race on foot.

Fast Facts

Age 5-9 Race Category

Swim is in a calm lake with lap lanes, 25 yards.
Run a quarter mile on Lake Pearl grounds to finish the race on foot.

Age 10-14 Race Category

Swim is in a calm lake with lap lanes, 100 yards.
Run a half mile on Lake Pearl grounds to finish the race on foot.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Dan Brennock at 508-643-5216 or