the Mansfield Y

All that’s happening at the Mansfield Y.

Posted on: Saturday, November 30th, 2024

December Break Programs

When School Is Out, the Fun Is In!

When school is not in session due to the December break, kids and teens are invited to join us at the Y for fun, educational, day programs.

We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve! That’s why, through Y day camps, children are cultivating the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, and educational achievement.

Our experienced staff takes the right steps to ensure your camper’s safety and happiness during an action-packed day!

School Break Camps: Dec 23 – Dec 31.

  • Before Care 7:00 am—9:00 am available
  • A variety of fun activities available for ages 3 through 14
  • Break Programs 9:00 am—4:00 pm (and some half day programs as well)
  • After Care 4:00 pm—6:00 pm available
  • Note: If participating in a full day program, please bring a lunch, drink, snacks and water bottle. Half day programs, please bring lunch and water bottle.

in North Attleboro

We are pleased to offer a variety and specialized day camp options out of the North Attleboro Y. Choose from Camp Elmwood our traditional summer camp program to specialties like Gymnastics, Sports, Swim & Cooking. We are also offering a Teen Voyagers program which includes field trips and outdoor exploration & adventure!



in Foxboro:

We are pleased to offer a variety and specialized day camp options out of the Foxboro Y. Choose from Camp Wapawca our traditional summer camp program (which includes field trips!) to specialties like Sports, Gymnastics Dance, and Swim.


in Franklin

We are pleased to offer a variety and specialized day camp options out of the Franklin Y. Choose from Camp Wiggi our traditional summer camp program (which includes field trips!) or our Swim specialty program.


in Mansfield

We are pleased to offer an Intro to Showcase 2025 through our Theatre Program. High Schoolers (and 8th graders, too!) will learn new theatre skills through Script Analysis, reading scripts, and learning their types of characters. We will also work on new audition techniques and how to be a good ensemble.


Posted on: Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

Holiday Happenings This Season


  • Pick up a punch card at one of our Member Service Desks to take part in our “Final Countdown” program.
  • This incentive program is offered to help you stay on track with your fitness over the holiday, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve.
  • Members who receive 15 hole punches during the 11/28-12/31 time period can place their card into the raffle basket at Member Services for cool prizes.
  • Prizes include Y sweatshirts, tote cooler, water bottles, gift cards and more! See you at the Y!


  • Friday, December 13th 6:30pm – 8:30pm at our branches in Foxboro, Franklin and North Attleboro.
  • Free event for family-type YMCA members, but registration is required by calling the Branch for promo code. Cost for non-family type members is $6 and non-members is $12 and can be purchased in-branch or online.Register today!
  • Festivities include a meet & greet with Santa and photo opportunity, holiday games & crafts (representing a variety of holidays) and a take home goodie bag.
  • The event will have a 6pm soft opening for those who need a quieter sensory experience.


  • Have fun with us during the holidays! Dress up for your youth program, group exercise class, or just to exercise!
  • Week of Nov. 25: ALUMNI WEEK – dress & support your favorite high school and college teams.
  • Week of Dec. 2: TROPICAL WEEK – It may be cold but things are heating up at the Y. Wear your favorite tropical attire.
  • Week of Dec. 9: WACKY WEEK
  • Mon. 12/9: Wacky Sock Day
  • Tues. 12/10: Crazy Hair/Hat Day
  • Wed. 12/11: Backwards/Inside Out Clothes Day
  • Thurs. 12/12: Neon Day – wear your favorite fluorescent colors
  • Fri. 12/13: Mismatch Day – wear clash patterns, mismatched colors, different socks, etc.
  • Week of Dec. 16: Ugly Sweater Week – holiday themed or not, wear it to the Y.
  • Week of Dec. 23: Pajama Week


  • At the Y, we strive to create a supportive, caring community where family joy & memories are made. We offer a variety of character luncheons throughout the year. In December, the Grinch will be joining us!
  • We also want to help parents & caregivers by creating opportunities for children to enjoy a night at the Y while parents & caregivers can enjoy time together, especially during the holiday season. Our theme this December is The Polar Express!
  • View all of our offerings, by branch and register today!


  • Help local families in need this holiday season through our 19th annual Giving Tree Program
    How it works:
  • Pick a tag from our Giving Tree.
  • Purchase the gift listed on the tag.
  • Return unwrapped gift with original tag by Dec. 8 to the Member Service Desk.
  • Thank you for your support! Giving Trees in our branch lobbies are a powerful example of the generosity and spirit of social responsibility exhibited by our members and staff. Thank you for joining with us to create meaningful moments for YMCA families in need.

From all of us at the YMCA, thank you for being part of our Y family and happy holidays.

Posted on: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Classes

Our Winter LIVESTRONG at the YMCA classes will begin the week of January 6th.

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a no-cost, 12-week program designed for cancer survivors and their families seeking to regain health, build strength, and connect with other cancer survivors. Participants work with staff trained in supportive cancer care to safely achieve goals such as building muscle mass & strength, increasing flexibility & endurance, and improving confidence & self-esteem. By focusing on the whole person and not the disease, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is helping people move beyond cancer in spirit, mind and body. The program meets twice a week for 90 minutes, using traditional exercise methods to ease you back into fitness and help participants improve confidence and self-esteem.

A cancer survivor is defined as anyone who has been diagnosed with a form of cancer in their lifetime.

Check out the locations, dates, and times of the upcoming LIVESTRONG at the YMCA classes beginning the week of January 6th.

Bernon Family Branch, Franklin

45 Forge Hill Road
Franklin, MA
Day & Time: Mondays and Wednesdays: 6:15pm-7:45pm
Day & Time: Wednesdays and Fridays: 10:45am-12:15pm

Invensys Foxboro Branch

67 Mechanic Street
Foxboro, MA
Day & Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:30am-12:00pm
Day & Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 6:00pm-7:30pm

Hurley Family Branch, North Attleboro

300 Elmwood Street
North Attleboro, MA
Day & Time: Mondays & Wednesdays: 10:30am-12:00pm

Participants receive a free family membership to the Hockomock Area YMCA during the program.

Cancer survivors are encouraged to contact Jackie Robison, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Director, at 508-772-1310 or for more information and to enroll. For additional information, click here.

When there’s the Y, there’s a way to learn about healthier living.

Inspiring Stories from Cancer Survivors

From gaining physical strength to finding encouragement along the way, community members share their journeys at the Y.

Posted on: Thursday, October 17th, 2024

Legends Ball


We were proud to honor New England Patriots special teams standout Brenden Schooler with our 2024 Legends Award for his accomplishments on the field coupled with his commitment to giving back off the field. Brenden believes in our cause and our collective commitment to inclusion and community. We are proud to have Brenden as part of our YMCA family. He is a true champion for our Integration Initiative.

We celebrated the children, adults and families in our Integration Initiative and heard from Integration Initiative participant Niall Pike on the program’s impact on his life.

Emily Joyce received the 2024 Brock Award, presented annually to an Integration Initiative participant whose growth, confidence, poise and accomplishments exemplify why inclusion isn’t just important, it’s the greatest gift anyone can give another person.

All proceeds from the Legends Ball benefit the Hockomock Area YMCA’s Integration Initiative, a program providing children, teens and adults with special needs and their families an opportunity to be included in all aspects of our YMCA community.

An Amazing Night!

Posted on: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

Experience the Thrill: Join Our Ski Club

Get ready for an exciting winter with the YMCA Ski Club! This year, youth ages 11-17 can hit the slopes at Wachusett Mountain on Fridays or Sundays. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skier, everyone is welcome!

What to Expect:

  • Dates: Fridays from January 3 to February 7 and Sundays from January 5 to February 9.
  • Transportation: We’ll take a bus from the YMCA to Wachusett Mountain, leaving at 2:30 PM and returning by 10:00 PM.
  • Skills for Everyone ages 11-17: Enjoy group lessons and rentals available at the mountain.

Important Dates:

  • October 2: Passes go on sale
  • December 2: Pass prices increase
  • December 13: Last day to order passes

Make sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss out!


The Ski Club makes for a fantastic gift for teens/tweens eager to enjoy the outdoors this winter, regardless of their skill level! Please note that space is limited. For more details, feel free to reach out to Ken at or call 508-643-5290.

Posted on: Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Join us for Vacation Days packed with action

When School Is Out, the Fun Is In.

Kids ages 5-17 are invited to join us during Columbus Day and Veterans Day school breaks for fun, social, and educational activities.

We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve! That’s why, at the Y we offer flexible schedules and the opportunity for kids to learn skills and build relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, and educational achievement, all while having a lot of fun.

Our experienced staff takes the right steps to ensure your child’s safety and happiness during an action-packed day!

For our outdoor enthusiast pre-teens and teens, join us on a summit hike, with transportation to and from the North Attleboro Branch. Everyone else, get off that couch and onto the court! Join our sports team for mini sports camps running in Foxboro and North Attleboro all day and half day options available.


Posted on: Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Fall Group Exercise Showcase

Join us for our Group Exercise Showcase – happening at a dedicated time at each branch this Fall!


  • Commit to trying a new class (or two) at your home branch or at another Hockomock Y branch to switch up your routine and meet new friends.
  • Bring a friend (or two) for free to experience a group exercise class together.
  • No registration required.
  • Our wellness team are adding to the fun with prize giveaways and refreshments.
  • Information about personal and small group training, Styku body scan programs and our Weight to Change program will be available.

At the Y – a supportive community inclusive of all ages and activity levels – is a big part of wellness.

In Group Exercise classes, you come together with others who want to live healthier and experience good health with others in a fun environment. Classes are led by certified instructors who ensure proper technique, provide guidance and encouragement. Meet us at the Y during Group Exercise Showcase.

View each branch’s schedule by clicking on the link below for real-time group exercise class:

FOXBORO: OCT. 14 – 20

See you in class!

Posted on: Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Member Appreciation Week

We love our members and want to thank you for being part of our Hockomock Y family. Member Appreciation Week activities will take place November 1st through November 7th. Each day we have something fun at all 3 branches to say THANK YOU for being a member – like free snacks, drinks, massages and more! At each branch, we’ll also have a free Parents Night Out for active members with children ages 3-12.(Advance registration required.)


Friday, Nov. 1:

  • 6pm-8pm: Parents Night Out! Free program for all active Hockomock Y members. Kids ages 3-12 will enjoy a few hours of fun and games with friends at the Y while parents enjoy a night out. Advanced registration required. Children must be potty trained.Click here to register.

Saturday, Nov. 2:

  • Guess the exact amount of Hershey Kisses and win a prize.

Sunday, Nov. 3:

  • Morning Coffee & Donuts in the Lobby.
  • Guess the exact amount of Hershey Kisses and win a prize.

Monday, Nov. 4:

  • Fruit & Yogurt Bar in the Lobby.

Tuesday, Nov. 5:

  • 10-minute Massages offered by Bay State Physical Therapy. Sign up required in Branch.

Wednesday, Nov. 6:

  • Mid Afternoon: Sample dips and vote for your favorite during the Y Staff Signature Dip Cook-off in the Lobby.

Thursday, Nov. 7:

  • Mid Morning Muffin Bar in the Lobby.
  • 10-minute Messages offered by Bay State Physical Therapy. Sign up required in Branch.


Friday, Nov. 1:

  • Morning Yogurt Parfait Bar in the Lobby.

Saturday, Nov. 2:

  • Morning Coffee & Donuts in the Lobby.
  • 6pm-8pm: Parents Night Out! Free program for all active Hockomock Y members. Kids ages 3-12 will enjoy a few hours of fun and games with friends at the Y while parents enjoy a night out. Advanced registration required. Children must be potty trained.Click here to register.

Sunday, Nov. 3 & Monday, Nov. 4:

  • Guess the exact amount of Hershey Kisses and win a prize.

Tuesday, Nov. 5:

  • 10-minute Messages offered by Bay State Physical Therapy. Sign up required in Branch.
  • Enjoy a samplings of foods during our Y Staff Crockpot Cook-Off contest in the evening. Vote for your favorite.

Wednesday, Nov. 6:

  • Morning Muffin Bar in the Lobby.
  • Evening Cupcake Bar in the Lobby.


Friday, Nov. 1:

  • 6pm-8pm: Parents Night Out! Free program for all active Hockomock Y members. Kids ages 3-12 will enjoy a few hours of fun and games with friends at the Y while parents enjoy a night out. Advanced registration required. Children must be potty trained. Click here to register.

Saturday, Nov. 2 & Sunday, Nov. 3:

  • Snack bags in the Lobby.

Monday, Nov. 4:

  • Muffin Bar in the Lobby.

Tuesday, Nov. 5:

  • Coffee Bar in the Lobby.

Wednesday, Nov. 6:

  • Morning Yogurt Parfaits in the Lobby.

Thursday, Nov. 7:

  • Cookie Bar in the Lobby.

Posted on: Monday, August 19th, 2024

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA event on Sept. 25

Our LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Celebration event will take place on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Please join us to celebrate impact and raise funding for our YMCA’s cancer survivorship program.

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA empowers adult cancer survivors throughout our community to improve functional capacity and to enhance their quality of life through an innovative, research-based program of fitness, strength and support, provided by trained staff.


Lake Pearl

299 Creek Street in Wrentham, MA

5:30pm Cocktail Reception

6:30pm Program

Reception with hors d’oeuvres immediately following

RSVP for this event, email or call 508-643-5220.


Our YMCA is creating communities among cancer survivors by guiding participants through safe physical activity, helping build supportive relationships and stress reduction. In addition to the physical benefits, the program provides participants and their families a supportive environment and a feeling of community with other survivors, YMCA staff and members. Additionally, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is assisting participants in developing their own physical fitness program so they can continue to practice a healthy lifestyle, not only as part of their recovery, but as a way of life.


Posted on: Monday, August 12th, 2024

Double Your Gift with the Spier Family Matching Challenge


We are excited to share that Greg and Kathy Spier of Foxborough – long-time friends and dedicated supporters of our Y – have once again issued a $25,000 challenge, matching every donation made September 14 – 21 to our YMCA.

100% of every gift goes directly to helping children and families in need experience our YMCA through our Reach Out Campaign, providing confidential scholarships and program subsidies to participate at our YMCA.

All gifts made September 14-21 will be matched by the Spiers and the Spier Family Foundation during our Giving Week.

As a non-profit organization, the Hockomock Area YMCA exists to help people be healthier, more confident and connected to each other and their communities. The Y is guided every day to remain focused on how best to respond to the emerging needs of its communities as individuals and families continue to face financial struggles.



  • Donate today and double your gift! Give online
  • Visit any Hockomock Area YMCA Member Services Desk and make your gift with a member of our team.
  • Become part of our Membership That Matters Program, by adding to your monthly membership at our Member Service Desk.
  • Mail your gift to: Hockomock Area YMCA 300 Elmwood Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 (payable to: Hockomock Area YMCA)


  • In 2023, $3.3 million was invested by the Hockomock Area YMCA to ensure that everyone has the chance to thrive by providing scholarships to people in need in the Y’s 15 town service area to experience YMCA programs and services regardless of ability to pay.
  • 1,164 kids received financial assistance to participate in swim lessons, gymnastics, enrichment & sports programs last year. Your support can help even more kids get the chance to learn and grow at the Y!
  • Our Food Access program has distributed over 750,000 pounds of food to 625 households in 25 towns, making a big impact on food security. Join us in the fight against hunger.
  • 425 people joined our chronic disease and prevention programs, including LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, and made positive changes in 2023. Let’s keep working together to fuel life-changing programs.

Join us in making a positive impact in our community, while doubling your donation!

To learn about other ways to support this initiative, please contact Nicole Bartlett at