Posted on: Thursday, April 11th, 2024
Learn how to protect children from sexual abuse
Join us for “Five Days of Action” – April 15-19, 2024, a national YMCA campaign designed to raise awareness, inspire and educate adults on how to take action and protect children from sexual abuse.
This week and throughout the year, we encourage all individuals and organizations to play an active role in making our local communities a safer place for children and families. Together we can prevent child sexual abuse by ensuring that adults have the knowledge, skills and resources needed to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
Statistics from Praesidium and the CDC indicate that 1 in 20 boys and 1 in 4 girls in the United States are sexually abused, typically by someone they know and trust. Child sexual abuse is happening regardless of age, gender, race, religion or socio-economic class.
But these are not just numbers. Behind every number is a child, a child who has been robbed of their innocence. A child whose life will forever have been changed by the heinous act of an adult. We owe it to our children, and we owe it to their future, to do better.
While child protection is our Y’s number one priority every day, we will shine a collective spotlight during 5 Days of Action on how everyone can do something to prevent child sexual abuse.
We will feature messaging and resources on Know. See. Respond., an initiative asking all adults to Know more, See better and Respond appropriately to protect kids from sexual abuse.
When adults know how abuse happens, see the warning signs, and respond quickly to prevent abuse, they foster a culture of child abuse prevention. Together we can bring awareness to the issue of child sexual abuse in our communities and have important conversations on how we can all work together to prevent it from happening. Please join our YMCA to spread important awareness and resources with your social networks and family and friends around this devastating epidemic.
We are proud to offer our resources free of charge to any community partners or organizations that would like to take advantage of them. That can be in the form of trainings for staff and individuals, facility audits, and/or policy review. For more information on our comprehensive trainings, please email Patrick Murphy at Thank you for your help in keeping children safe in our community.
Pledge to protect children every day. Come to our Y and pledge to take action to protect kids during 5 Days of Action.
Know the facts. See the warning signs. Respond quickly to prevent child sexual abuse.
FOCUS: Make a commitment this week to follow along with our 5 Days of Action Campaign on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
We will be offering tips, tools, activities, and resources that are relevant to the current environment throughout the next five days and beyond.
Letter from Jim Downs, CEO
Learn the Facts
The MBF 5 Safety Rules
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: What Parents Need to Know.
FOCUS: Keeping Kids Safe Online
We know Cellphones, laptops and other devices have changed the way we communicate. Most kids spend a lot of time online or in front of a screen. Here are some helpful resources to keep all kids safe:
Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet Worksheet
English version
Spanish version
Arabic version
Portuguese version
Vietnamese version
Social Media Safety for Teens
Gaming Safely
Sextortion: What Parents Should Know (English)
Sextortion: What Parents Should Know (Spanish)
Think Before You Send
FOCUS: What is your family code of conduct? How do I recognize safe adults?
What do you see that looks different in your organization or community when it comes to protecting kids? It’s important to have open communication about the different stressors, especially with kids. Having honest, on-going conversations is a great protection from child sexual abuse. Check in daily with your kids to see how they are feeling and pay attention to what they say. But remember, silence is okay too. Allow them to have the space they need to open up. Here are some helpful resources:
Stop It Now’s Prevention Tools
Who is a Trusted Adult Worksheet
Being a Trusted Adult Worksheet
Information for Parents of Young Children
Here is a fun video for young children to teach them about boundaries for their bodies. The video is called Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song
Creating a Family Code of Conduct Worksheet
English version
Spanish version
Checklist for Safer Sleepovers
Tips for Hiring Caregivers
Checklist for Safer Camp Experiences
Checklist for Safer Camp Experiences (Spanish)
FOCUS: Organizational Resources
It’s important to know how to respond if someone needs help or support. Please remember you’re not alone. Below are a list of resources to help answer your questions.
What can you do as an individual or as an organization to help protect children from sexual abuse?
Hockomock Area YMCA Child Protection Trifold
Darkness to Light Organization
Step-Up & Speak Out: A Parent’s Guide to Selecting Youth Serving Organizations
Mandated Reporting: What You Need to Know
How to Respond to a Survivor
Local Resources
English version
Spanish version
Arabic version
Portuguese version
Vietnamese version
FOCUS: Child Protection Trainings
Have your place of business implement child protection trainings and policies.
5% of a community trained in Child Protection to be aware and responsive is the tipping point to make a positive change*. (Statistic from Darkness to Light)
If you are a member of an organization or community group that would like to learn more about our comprehensive trainings on Child Abuse Prevention, please email Patrick Murphy at
Take the free “Protecting Children During a Crisis” Training in English or Spanish. You will need to create a login/password first on the Darkness to Light website before accessing the video.
Take the Darkness to Light Online Training.
Thank you for participating in Five Days of Action to help give children the childhood they deserve.
