the Mansfield Y

All that’s happening at the Mansfield Y.

Posted on: Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

Spooky Games – Free Halloween Party

Join us for our annual Spooky Games – a free Halloween event for our members!


WHERE: at our branches in Foxboro, Franklin and North Attleboro

WHEN: Friday, October 22nd

  • 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in North Attleboro. We will have a Trunk or Treat event starting at 6pm in our secondary parking lot outdoors – with activities happening in our gymnasium as well. Please bring a bag to collect items.
  • 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Foxboro and Franklin. These are outdoor events so please dress accordingly.

No advanced registration is needed.
Activities will include: face painting, inflatables, camp fire, crafts and much more.


We look forward to seeing you in your Halloween costume!

Posted on: Sunday, June 13th, 2021

Help Us Keep in Touch

We want to be sure our members are receiving our communications.

Update your contact info.



A) If you already have an account, enter your email address and password into the Left Box.
When you get to the next screen, you will see your photo in a gray box. In that box you will see a ‘pencil’, click the pencil and update your contact information.

B) If you need to set up online access for your account, select “Find Account” in the Middle Box.

STEP 1: Enter your last name, birth date and zip code. When you click submit, you will be prompted to enter your email address associated with your Y membership*.

STEP 2: Check your email and follow the instructions.

*If you don’t have a valid email address connected to your Y membership, please contact a Member Service Desk and we will assist you. Foxboro: 508-543-2523; Franklin: 508-528-8708; North Attleboro: 508-695-7001. Email addresses are the unique identifier for set up. If one email is listed on more than one member, you will not be able to set up your online account. Please contact your home branch to have the duplicate email removed.

STEP 3: When you return to Daxko, you’ll be able to enter your new credentials. You are ready to view your account and register online for future programs.

By updating your contact information, we will keep you in the know with the most up to date information about our Y and about resources that are available to you.

Thank you for being a member of our Y.

Posted on: Friday, June 11th, 2021

Fall Sports Leagues

Get back in the game this Fall with YMCA Youth Sports! Now registering for Fall Season!

Basketball, soccer and flag football for boys and girls ages 3-12 are back! Come learn to love a sport at the Y. These spots will fill up and most are FREE for Hockomock Area YMCA family type members (see note below*) so take a look and reconnect through great sports games, classes and community time.


Crafty 3v3 bball games are back—using the innovative scoring and fast paced short sided games of the Crafty program that’s been running at the Y since 2019. Click here to learn more about the points system (and let us know if you have any questions). We truly believe this is the best way to learn basketball. (Crafty Basketball takes place at the indoor courts)

Runs Saturdays ≈ Foxboro, Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (75 min.)
Runs Wednesdays ≈ North: 9/15-11/3 (75 min.)
Cost: $85.00 for all in the community (no uniform and no promo code discount available)
Crafty 3v3 Basketball Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y SAT 10:00 am grade 2 coed; 11:15 am grades 3 & 4 boys; 12:30 pm grades 3 & 4 girls; 1:45 pm grades 5 & 6 boysgirls
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 1:00 pm grade 2 coed; 2:15 pm grades 3 & 4 boys; 3:30 pm grades 5 & 6 boys; 4:45 pm grades 3 & 4 girls
• @ the North Attleboro Y WED 4:15 pm grades 1-2 coed; 5:45 pm grades 3 & 4 coed; 7:15 pm grades 5 & 6 coed
Register for Crafty Basketball today.


Three coed league practices will be followed by five games on our outdoor fields. Everyone plays and is encouraged to perform at the best of their ability. Uniforms will be distributed after your first practice.

Runs Fridays: 9/10-10/29 (1 hour)
Cost: $122 member / $150 non-member includes NFL Flag Football jersey
Flag Football League Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y 6:00 pm ages 6-8; 7:10 pm ages 9-12
• @ the North Attleboro Y 6:00 pm ages 6-7; 7:15 pm ages 8-10
Register for Flag Football Leagues today.


Three coed league practices will be followed by five games on our outdoor fields. Everyone plays and is encouraged to perform at the best of their ability. Uniforms will be distributed after your first practice.

Runs Saturdays ≈ Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (1 hour)
Runs Sundays ≈ Foxboro, North: 9/12-10/31 (1 hour)
Cost: $86 member / $110 non-member includes uniform t-shirt
Soccer League Details:
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 10:15 am age 4; 11:30 am ages 5-6
• @ the Foxboro Y SUN 10:00 am age 4; 11:10 am ages 5-6
• @ the North Attleboro Y SUN 9:30 am ages 4-5; 10:45 am ages 6-7; 12:00 pm ages 8-10
Register for Soccer Leagues today.


Read on for all the ways your younger athletes can get out to the Y and get their game on this fall!


Young athletes wanting to learn to play football and what it’s like to be coached can get in on the game with outdoor classes held weekly. Your chance to play YMCA league sports will be here soon so get some experience this fall and connect with your peers for a ton of fun. Developmentally appropriate curriculum will be followed that’s proven to engage boys and girls and teach fundamentals of the sport.

Runs Fridays: 9/10/-10/29 (45 min.)
Cost: $64 member / $128 non-member
Football Prep Details:
• @ the Foxboro Y 4:30 pm ages 4-5
• @ the North Attleboro Y 5:00 pm age 5
Register for a Sports League Prep Program today.


Three year old children in our community have tons of learning potential and limitless energy. Let them seize the opportunity to be outdoors running and kicking the soccer ball at the YMCA. This option will include lots of coaching and developmentally appropriate fun on the soccer field.

Runs Saturdays ≈ Franklin: 9/11-10/30 (45 min.)
Runs Sundays ≈ Foxboro, North: 9/12-10/31 (45 min.)
Cost: $64 member / $128 non-member
Soccer Prep Details:
• @ the Franklin Y SAT 9:00 am age 3
• @ the North Attleboro Y SUN 8:45 am age 3
• @ the Foxboro Y SUN 9:00 am age 3
Register for a Sports League Prep Program today.


As a perk of membership, all Hockomock Y “Family” & “One Adult Family” members receive FREE enrollment for all of the options listed above, excluding Crafty Basketball. Please use the promo code sent on 7/19 to the email address associated with your YMCA membership and simply register as you normally would. Please be prepared at checkout to pay uniform fee(s): $15 (soccer league), $30 (football league) when using a promo code.

Questions, please call the Y at our numbers listed at the bottom of the website or email your local YMCA: | |

We can’t wait to see you at the Y!

Posted on: Sunday, May 30th, 2021

Summer Gymnastics

Summer Sizzles at the Y. Did you know we offer Gymnastics programs for children age 6 months up to 14 years? From cartwheels to confidence, the Hockomock Area YMCA Gymnastic Centers in Foxboro, Franklin and North Attleboro are proud to celebrate youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Our facilities host a variety of programs designed to help children and young adults thrive at their own pace while building strength, flexibility, self-confidence and coordination. Programs for Summer 2021 are described below.


Flexibility, strength training, dance, recreational swimming and crafts will be followed by full afternoons of gymnastics. Campers will end their week with a special Friday performance.

  • $305 member / $427 non-member
  • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (coed)
  • WHO: age 3-14 – with groupings made by age to ensure the development of gymnastics and social skills for each participant. Everyone in the community is welcome!
    • NORTH ATTLEBORO » June 21–Aug 27 (no meeting week of July 26)
    • FRANKLN » June 28–Aug 20 (grade 1+, no meeting week of Aug 9). We offer 1/2 day programming (described below) for preschool aged children.
    • FOXBORO » July 12–Aug 13
  • CLICK HERE to Register for Camp


Let’s get moving, preschoolers! The Franklin Y offers a full morning of gymnastics and more. Children will move through skill stations and obstacle courses on all the gymnastics apparatus: bars, beam, floor and vault. Program includes creative movement exercises and lots of new activities including games and art & crafts.

  • Per day: $35 member / $70 non-member (Per week $168 member / $336 non-member)
  • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (coed)
  • WHO: age 3-6
  • Choose your week (and any number of days per week) starting July 5 and running through August 6
  • CLICK HERE to Register for Gymnastics Half Day

Please have campers bring lunch, snacks and water each day to break and re-charge. Half day participants will also need water and snacks. Pre and post camp is offered at all locations as early as 7:00am and ending at 6:00pm.


We are also running 45 minute classes throughout summer. Options starting the week of June 21st range from parent/child to classes for preschoolers and up to advanced gymnasts ready for team competition. If you’re interested in our gymnastics competition or pre team opportunities, please reach out to your local Y’s gymnastics director at the email addresses below. All in the community are welcome.

  • $94 member / $188 non-member FOR 10 WEEKS OF CLASS*
      • age 6 months-4 years (parent or guardian/child) Sat 8:30 am; Sun 9:00 am
      • age 3-6 Sat 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm
      • age 6-14 Sat 10:30 am
      • age 3-14 Tue 3:45 pm, 4:45 pm; Wed 3:45 pm, 4:45 pm, 5:45 pm; Thu 3:45 pm, 4:45 pm
      • age 6-14 (boys only) Tue 4:45 pm
      • age 1-3 (parent or guardian/child) Mon 8:30 am; Sat 8:30 am
      • age 3-6 Thu 8:30 am; Sat 9:30 am
      • age 6-14 Thu 3:30 pm; Fri 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm; Sat 10:30 am
  • CLICK HERE to Register for Parent or Guardian and Child Gymnastics Classes
  • CLICK HERE to Register for Preschool Gymnastics Classes
  • CLICK HERE to Register for School-Aged Gymnastics Classes

* Classes are priced at what we’d normally charge for eight weeks to accommodate your summer travel plans. You can sign up for 10 weeks but feel ok about missing one or two classes at no financial loss.

We look forward to a great summer with your kids! Questions? Please contact Gymnastics Directors: Ashli Philips (Foxboro) 508-543-2523 (member services) | Lacey Whitaker (Franklin) 508-528-8708 (member services) | Erin Shea (North Attleboro) 508-695-7001 (member services).

For information on additional youth programs at the Y, please visit HOCKYMCA.ORG/SUMMER-CLASSES and HOCKYMCA.ORG/CAMP.

Posted on: Monday, March 1st, 2021

Make a gift today, to help us do good

During times of crisis, together we can make a difference to help our friends and neighbors in our communities.

As all of us face this unprecedented time of uncertainty, we ask you to consider joining us in our mission driven work. We are proud that our Y is working with school nutrition departments and community partners to ensure that children and families have meals while schools are closed.

Please consider making a gift to support these important efforts.

Donations made to our YMCA during the current health crisis will be designated to Emergency Food Access to help neighbors and friends in your community have access to food.

Your support helps ensure that our mission is grounded in serving the greater good and that we continue to be there for people and communities to be stronger together.


As a not for profit charitable organization, we are proud our YMCA ensures that every individual and family has access to our Y and the essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive. Now more than ever, we need to support all those around us.

This is made possible through the generosity of our compassionate donors, members, business and community partners, staff and volunteers working together to enhance lives and enrich our community.

We are thankful for our extraordinary partners and businesses who have joined our philanthropic efforts during this time. A special thanks to the following leadership donors:
Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts
The Greater Attleboro Stronger Together Fund
Foundation for MetroWest
Greg and Kathy Spier
Bristol County Savings Bank
Jeff and Julie Kinney
Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation
CVS Health
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
Dave and Anne Doran
Harvard Pilgrim Health Foundation
Albertsons Community Foundation
Eastern Bank
No Kid Hungry
ConvenientMD Urgent Care
Vickie Lechner and Mike Lally
MetroWest Health Foundation
Kraft Family, the Patriots Charitable Foundation and the Mass Military Support Foundation
Greater Boston Food Bank
Eos Foundation
Honey Dew Family Foundation
CHNA 7 MetroWest
Jeff and Pam Dufficy
Rodman Ride for Kids
Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation
Dick and Gail Stevens
Tom and Trish Gruppioni
The Captain Kyle R. Van De Giesen Memorial Award Fund
Boulevard Liquors
Stop & Shop
The Clermont Family
Ed and Sue Hurley
Jim and Amy Downs
Jill Bell
The Mosca Family
Stephen Clapp and Michelle Bernier
Project Bread
John and Erin Spinney
Dr. Gerry Shaw and Dr. Paula Rooney
YMCA Leadership Team
The Boston Foundation
Todd and Yadira Patkin
RSA Daycare Supplies

Thanks again to all of our generous donors. We couldn’t do this important work without dedicated, caring people and businesses.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Katie Moore at 508-643-5265 or

We are grateful to be part of the Stronger Together Attleboro Fund which supports 26 nonprofits in Attleboro, North Attleboro, Mansfield, Norton, Rehoboth and Dighton.

Posted on: Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Virtual Fitness Class Schedule

In order to stay connected with your friends — both YMCA members and your fitness coaches here at the Y, we are pleased to share our virtual schedule with you, which you can do from home. Let’s roll out our mat, grab some weights, lace up our sneakers and stay fit together.

Live-Streaming On Facebook and Zoom

View our Virtual Fitness Calendar of live classes every day. We are live-streaming classes on Facebook and on Zoom, so you can get together with Y members and your favorite trainers and instructors to bring us closer as a YMCA family.

Like us on our Facebook pages: our Hockomock Area YMCA Facebook Page and our Hockomock Area YMCA’s Health and Wellness Facebook Page.

Virtual Fitness on YouTube

We’ve built a large collection of recorded Virtual Fitness videos on the Hockomock YMCA’s YouTube. You’ll find everything from Bootcamp to Yoga classes, nutrition, stuff for kids and active older adults.

For our live streaming ZOOM classes:
Zoom has recently increased security protocols which include password protected links.

To join a Zoom class, simply click the class link at the designated time and you will enter a waiting room. A staff person will admit you to the live class! When using Zoom, you can join with your camera on or off. If you join with your camera on, you and your surroundings are visible to other participants. If you join with your camera off, only your name is displayed.

*If you have any troubles joining the Zoom workout, please message us on our Health and Wellness Facebook Page. Right before and during the virtual class, Y Staff will be available for questions on our Health & Wellness Facebook Page as well as on Zoom to help you.

We look forward to staying connected with you. When you workout with your Y community, be sure to share and tag us so we know you are here.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for being part of our Y family!

Enjoy your workout!

Posted on: Monday, January 18th, 2021

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Throughout the year, we encourage all individuals and organizations to play an active role in making our local communities a safer place for children and families. Together we can prevent child sexual abuse by ensuring that adults have the knowledge, skills and resources needed to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls in the United States are sexually abused before their 18th birthday, typically at the hand of someone they know and trust; and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that 1 in 5 children will be solicited sexually on the internet. Sadly, child abuse is happening, and it’s regardless of age, gender, race, religion or socio-economic class.

In support of April being Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Month, our Y’s 14 childcare centers will be participating in Norfolk Advocates for Children’s “Rocking for Kids” event. NAC is putting together a rock garden in Foxboro, for their Garden of Hope, a spot to help brighten the lives of children who have been the victims of sexual abuse. For their garden, NAC is providing rock kits for participants to pick up which contain paint, paintbrushes, and rocks to paint. By the end of April, we will provide NAC’s Garden of Hope with 353 painted rocks. If you would like to drop off a painted rock to add to our pile, please bring it in to one of our Member Service Desks, and we will include it with our rocks when we deliver to Norfolk Advocates for Children.

In April we shared educational resources on social media on what we can do every day to help prevent child sexual abuse. When adults know how abuse happens, see the warning signs, and respond quickly to prevent abuse, they foster a culture of child abuse prevention. Together we can stop it from happening. Please join us in sharing these messages on social media with network of family, friends and colleagues.

For more information about training opportunities for your organization, please email

Our next Five Days of Action Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Initiative will take place June 7-11, 2021. We look forward to doing even more to help stop this crisis.


Pledge to protect children every single day, one day at a time.

Know the facts. See the warning signs. Respond quickly to prevent child sexual abuse.


it’s important to know how to recognize and respond if someone needs help or support. Below are a list of resources to help.

What can you do as an individual or as an organization to help protect children from sexual abuse? Watch our Know See Respond video to learn more.

Hockomock Area YMCA Child Protection Trifold

Step-Up & Speak Out: A Parent’s Guide to Selecting Youth Serving Organizations

Mandated Reporting: What You Need to Know

How to Respond to a Survivor

Local Resources
English version
Spanish version
Arabic version
Portuguese version
Vietnamese version


Have your place of business implement child protection trainings and policies.

5% of a community trained in Child Protection to be aware and responsive is the tipping point to make a positive change*. (Statistic from Darkness to Light)

If you are a member of an organization or community group that would like to learn more about our comprehensive trainings on Child Abuse Prevention, please email us at

For more information or strategies for talking with kids, you can access Darkness to Light’s 30-minute “Talking with Children” Training at no charge by registering and using code Talk2020.

Take the free “Protecting Children During a Crisis” Training in English or Spanish. You will need to create a login/password first on the Darkness to Light website before accessing the video.

Take the Darkness to Light Online Training.

Thank you for reading and helping learn more to prevent abuse so that we can give children the childhood they deserve.


Posted on: Friday, January 1st, 2021

Looking Back at 2020

2020 was a challenging year for many of us both personally and professionally. Throughout the pandemic one thing never changed: community minded supporters of our YMCA coming together in inspiring ways to be there to support each other and rekindle hope.

Despite the many challenges of the past year, I am so proud that our YMCA continued to make impactful contributions in the areas of food insecurity, child care, health & wellness and other emerging needs in our local communities.

And my commitment to you is that in 2021 our cause-driven YMCA will remain focused on being there in innovative and progressive ways to continue to provide a safety net for our neighbors in their time of need.

I hope you enjoy this brief video highlighting the collective impact we experienced in 2020.

With deep appreciation,

Ed Hurley
CEO, Hockomock Area YMCA

Posted on: Friday, January 1st, 2021

Out of School Time Support

Out of School Time Program Helps Families with Hybrid & Remote Education

With local schools operating hybrid or remote, the YMCA will fill the gaps to ensure kids have safe places to learn during the school day. Out of School Time (OST) provides full day in-person learning assistance and additional enrichment programming for grades K-6.

  • Spots remain at all sites.
  • For questions on the OST program, call 508-643-5290 or email
  • To register for the OST program, please do so at the links below. You may also register by phone by calling our YMCA Welcome Centers are also available to speak to you during branch hours. See phone numbers and addresses at website footer.
  • Reminder to please email or drop off in person paperwork that will have been emailed to you following your online registration, which will need to be in our hands before your student can participate on Day 1 of his/her YMCA virtual learning support.
  • Bus details for our Foxborough Public School families – if you choose to bus to/from the Y, this year there is a limitation in place which does not allow you to select a second drop off or pick up location, which you may want to use on days not at the Y. We apologize for this inconvenience imposed on us by the bus company.

  • VIEW A RECORDED PARENT MEETING On Sept. 15, we held a parent information Zoom call. Please watch for commonly asked questions, responded to by Association VP of Childcare Services Kim Jennings. CLICK HERE TO WATCH INFO MEETING (ALL SITES) OR… CLICK HERE FOR NORTH ATTLEBORO RECORDED MEETING OR… CLICK HERE FOR MILFORD RECORDED MEETING

OST full day programs – and full or half day in Foxborough – will take place at the YMCA (Foxboro and North Attleboro locations) and at the former St. Mary’s School in Franklin. We offer 3 or 5 day options running from 7:00am – 4:00pm with optional extended care available until 6:00pm. We will also run Before & After care at some school locations where we historically ran our successful YMCA Schools Out Programs (see far bottom of this page for Before/After). We intend to serve as many families as safely possible, because we know the need is great.

YMCA staff will assist students in their school assignments using their own Chromebook and headset, assist with questions during remote learning, and help to keep them on track as they connect with their teachers online. During class breaks and after school work is completed, the Y team will engage students with enrichment and physical activities.

Safety is our top priority, and the Covid safety protocols we’ll use are based on procedures developed for our successful Summer Camp and Emergency Child Care programs that allowed us to safely provide care for over 700 kids during the past six months. Please contact us with questions about our safety procedures.

Schools Districts We Serve

We have partnered with the following school districts to serve children in grades K-6: Bellingham (through grade 7), Foxborough, Franklin, Mansfield, Milford, North Attleboro, Plainville, and Wrentham Public Schools. In order to keep cohorts together from area schools and just to keep safety at the forefront, we are asking students in Bellingham and Wrentham to choose the Franklin OST site. If attending from Plainville’s public schools, please select from our North Attleboro enrollment options.

Additionally, this programming is available for pre registration for K-6 students outside of the public school system or those living in other towns in need of care. After online enrollment, please email to share pertinent information that we should know that wasn’t included in the registration questionnaire.

General Information by Location (and last bullet: Extended Care)

    OST half day at the Foxboro Y runs: 9:00am – 12:00 pm or 12:00pm – 3:00pm 5 DAYS (cost $105 per week)
    OST full day at the Foxboro Y runs: 7:00am – 4:00 pm 3 DAYS (cost $180 per week)
    OST full day at the Foxboro Y runs: 7:00am – 4:00 pm 5 DAYS (cost $300 per week)

    OST at St. Mary’s (formerly BFCCPS on Main St.) runs: 7:00am – 4:00pm 3 DAYS (cost $180 per week)
    OST at St. Mary’s (formerly BFCCPS on Main St.) runs: 7:00am – 4:00pm 5 DAYS (cost $300 per week)

    OST at the North Attleboro Y runs: 7:00am – 4:00pm 3 DAYS (cost $180 per week)
    OST at the North Attleboro Y runs: 7:00am – 4:00pm 5 DAYS (cost $300 per week)

    Runs: 4:00pm – 6:00pm 3 DAYS (cost $30 per week or free to Hockomock Y members – not offered in Mansfield)
    Runs: 4:00pm – 6:00pm 5 DAYS (cost $50 per week or free to Hockomock Y members)

    Before/After care to support 1/2 day classes at Foxborough’s Public Schools is also available, including support from the town’s school buses!
    Where: @ The Foxboro Y – 5 DAY (2 DAY Ahern School). Runs: 7:00am – approx 8:30am and in the afternoon, runs: approx 3:00pm – 6:00pm (school buses picking up and dropping off at the Y).

    Our registration link for all OST and extended day options is below (in capital letters), but the link for Foxboro Y’s AM/PM + bus option is here: click to enroll. Ahern families, click here to enroll 2 day option.

    Note: use promo code BEFOREANDAFTER if your signup includes care beyond full day or half day. This will allow you to avoid paying our registration fee twice – for any child you have already enrolled in OST. We should also point out that a 5% discount for siblings is in place – and will be applied automatically upon the start of the billing cycle. To be clear, sibling discount will not appear during your pre-registration, however it will be applied by the Y office before your first bill is due.

Currently, we are accepting $50 deposits.

Following enrollment at the link below, please keep an eye out for our email with required next steps*.


Site-specific registration links are also available for your convenience: Foxboro | Franklin | Mansfield | North Attleboro


Many students in our service area will be able to access YMCA Before & After Care on site at their school. This is offered at a number of schools we have partnered with in the past and is available on the two days of learning taking place at school. Hours: Before School starts at 6:00am and runs until the start of the school day and After School starts at the end of the school day and runs until 6:00pm. Note: use promo code BEFOREANDAFTER to avoid paying our registration fee twice – for any child you have already enrolled in OST.


School-specific links: Bellingham AM/PM | North Attleboro AM/PM | Wrentham AM/PM | Foxboro AM/PM + bus – details: see “Extended Care” (above bullets)


Our mission is to enhance the quality of life of our members and the community, offering programs and services to all regardless of ability to pay. Part of that mission is a financial assistance program to those who need support and for those that qualify. Download our financial assistance brochure pdf: here.

  • Use promo code VOUCHER$50 at the above links if you are using a state voucher
  • Use promo code ROFY$25 at the above links if you currently receive a Hockomock Area YMCA scholarship

Questions, please contact us at 508-643-5243 or

* Included will be forms that you must complete and return to your local Hockomock Area YMCA. Though they may have been responded to in the online pre-registration, the forms must be completed in their entirety. Thank you and we wish your students success in the coming school year!

Posted on: Sunday, November 22nd, 2020

Youth Classes at your Y

We are excited to be welcoming youth back for a variety of classes geared toward healthy living and youth development. Open enrollment means that you are welcome to sign up at any time, however spaces are limited as we strive for safe numbers and social distancing whenever possible. Your safety is our top priority and we are following guidelines from the CDC and local health officials to ensure that we meet the highest standards of hygiene and safety.


Currently, we are offering the below classes:

  • Swim Lessons – starting at 6 months. To learn about swim levels and placement, click here. For Swim Starters, (ages 6 mo-4yrs, stages A-C), register here. For Swim Basics, (ages 3+, stages 1-3), register here. For Swim Strokes, (ages 5+, stages 4-6), register here.

  • Intramural Swim Team is available at our Foxboro, North Attleboro, and Franklin branches. Register here.

  • Gymnastics Classes – are now offered for preschoolers and youth/teens at all branches. For parent/child gymnastics, register here. For preschool gymnastics (ages 3-6), register here.
    For gymnastics (ages 6-14), register here.

  • Sports – We are now offering 45 min classes in the categories below! Note that beginner and intermediate karate and age 2 All Stars classes only run 30 minutes. Cost for sports classes is $32 (member) $64 (nonmember) per month (half hour classes: $27/$54).
    1. All Star Sports:
      In Foxboro: Wed. 10:15am (age 2); Tues. 10:15 or 11:15am (age 3-4) | In Franklin: Mon. 10:30am (age 2); Mon. 11:15 or Tues. 11:30am (age 3-4); Tues. 4:00pm (age 5-6) | In N. Attleboro: Thurs. 10:10am (age 3-4). Register here.
    2. Basketball:
      In Foxboro: Tuesdays 4:00pm (age 5-6), 5:00pm (age 7-8), 6:00pm (age 9-12) | In Franklin: Wednesdays 3:15pm (age 6-8), 4:05pm (age 9-12) | In N. Attleboro: Fridays 3:15pm (age 4-6), 4:15pm (age 6-8), 5:15pm (age 9-12). Register here.
    3. Karate (ages 5+):
      In Foxboro: Sundays beginner, intermediate & advanced run 9:30, 10:15 & 11:00am (respectively) | In Franklin: Wednesdays: 6:10, 6:50, 7:30pm. Register here.

  • Dance Classes – are running in Foxboro & Franklin. We also offer musical theatre classes at the Mansfield Y. Register here.

  • Theatre Classes – are in full swing at our Mansfield Arts & Education Center! Register here.

  • Fitness Classes – for youth ages 5-14 are a great way to stay active and build healthy habits. Register here.

  • Cooking Classes – are available for kids ages 3-10. Register here.

  • STEM – classes that are running now include Robotics, Coding and Legos for ages 6-8 at the Franklin Y. Register here.

Enrollment Details:

  • “Open Enrollment” is in place for most youth programs so that you can sign up for class and have your child join right away, participating through the end of this school year or until you’d like to stop. Transfers between classes may also take place if you wish.
  • Programs are charged monthly. Learn more here.

Prior to Coming to Class:

  • We encourage kids to arrive at the Y wearing their bathing suit for swim class or their leotard for gymnastics under their regular clothes ready to take class.
  • Please bring a full water bottle. (Water fountains are not available)
  • Face masks are required at all times while in the facility.
  • Please remember to leave at least 6 feet of space for social distancing between you and others.
  • We encourage bringing as few people as possible to your class so that we can keep numbers low and members can be safely distanced from each other.

When You Arrive:

  • You’ll be greeted by our Member Service Desk staff. All staff are required to wear Personal Protective Equipment.
  • We will ask you health questions. Anyone that is symptomatic will not be allowed admission into the facility for the safety of all.
  • You will self scan into the facility using your key tag or the “HockYFitness” mobile app on your phone.
  • Locker rooms will be available for changing and individual showers are also available.
  • A limited number of lockers will be available for use.

Ways We’re Keeping You Safe:

  • Health screenings for all participants, caregivers and staff. You will be asked health questions prior to entering the Y each time you visit.
  • Self-scanning check in and check out.
  • Reduced capacity. Most classes have reduced capacity by 40%-50% to allow for social distancing. Max class sizes range from 3 to 8 kids per class depending upon program and size of space available.
  • Masks required for staff, participants and caregiver. Children must arrive wearing a mask or face covering. The only time masks are not required is when participants are in the pool swimming.
  • Between every class, staff will disinfect all used equipment, railings, seating and more.
  • Hand washing stations and hand sanitizer supplies are available for use.
  • When you exit the Y, please remember to scan out with your key tag. This process helps us keep track of our facility capacity to keep everyone safe.

What to Expect for Swim Lessons:

  • There will be very little seating on the pool deck and a small observation area in the main lobby to observe the pool.
  • Face masks are required at all times while in our facility and when entering the pool area. Your child will meet their swim instructor on the pool deck with their face mask on. Right before entering the water, participants can remove their mask and hand it to their parent/guardian.
  • Our swim instructors will teach both in and out of the pool depending on the level of instruction needed. Again, all staff will be wearing masks.
  • When the swim lesson is over, your child should get out of the water, dry off, and put their face mask on right away.
  • Hand washing stations and hand sanitizer supplies are available for use.
  • After the swim lesson, there is only a short window of time for instructors to talk to parents and clean equipment. You can proceed to the locker room to change.

What to Expect for Classes:

  • We encourage kids to arrive at the Y wearing clothes they need, under regular clothes if needed, so that they’ll be ready for class.
  • Have your child leave items in one of our cubbies located outside the gym when possible and wait outside the gym until their instructor calls them in.
  • Face masks are required to be worn at all times by participants, staff and caregivers.
  • When it’s time for class to begin, the gym doors will be opened. The instructor will call your child’s name for attendance. Your child will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entering the gym. They should bring in a full water bottle. If a child is allergic to hand sanitizer, they will be asked to wash their hands before entering the gym.

Other Amenity Information:

  • Limited seating will be available for each class to allow for social distancing. We ask that each child in class is accompanied by one caregiver during class, and that caregivers do not bring siblings who are not enrolled.
  • At this time our Kid’s Gyms are closed.

If Your Membership Is on Hold?

Call the Y to activate your membership from Hold; this will allow you to receive the member pricing on your program. Before your first visit, please be sure to review our new policies, sign our updated Waiver and Code of Conduct below. The prompt will ask you for your barcode which is the numbers on the back of your Hockomock Area YMCA keytag and your last name. If you do not have a Y keytag, call the Y for assistance.

Sign Waiver

We look forward to seeing you at the Y!